BEL LUNCH: Seabed Minerals
Norske styresmakter tror utvinning av mineraler fra havbunnen kan bli en ny industri som kan forsyne verden med råstoffer som er kritiske for energiomstillingen. Følg seminaret for å lære mer om juridisk status, utfordringer og muligheter i denne framvoksende industrien.
Presenting today is
Jon O. Hellevang, R&D Manager in GCE Ocean Technology, a cluster with + 140 partners and members from the ocean industries in Norway.
Hellevang works to establish joint R&D project within the cluster. He has been heading the clusters activities related to seabed minerals since 2014.
Hellevang holds an MSc in physical electronics from NTNU and has almost 20 years of R&D experience in the intersection between industry and research.
The IEA estimates a quadrupling of minerals required to meet the sustainable development scenario by 2040. The higher our climate ambition – the higher the demand for minerals will be.
Seabed minerals are explored globally as a source to increase diversification and security of supply of critical minerals for the energy transition. The high ore grad and nutrient poor environment opens for the possibility for less negative environmental impact compared to land-based mining.
The Norwegian government has recently published the impact assessment for seabed minerals activity in Norwegian waters. The government suggest a stepwise process where they highlight the need to make sure this is done in a prudent and responsible way.
The presentation will give an overview of the key driver, status on regulatory framework, environmental aspects and technology status related to seabed minerals. Examples of ongoing project to increase our knowledge about the deep-sea environment and its resource will be given.