Ocean Futures 2030 (NO)

Climate change, the ocean and its people: Unprecedented challenges, workable solutions and a sustainable future

Den tredje Ocean Sustainability Bergen Conference fant sted torsdag 21. oktober 2021 klokken 13.00-15.45.

Photo from the 2020 Ocean Sustainability Bergen Conference, broadcast live from the University Aula in Bergen.
OCEAN RESILIENCE: From the 2020 Ocean Sustainability Bergen Conference, broadcast live from the University Aula in Bergen.
Eivind Senneset for University of Bergen


The annual Ocean Sustainability Bergen (OSB) Conference offers a platform for students, researchers, and practitioners from around the world to come together and discuss the biggest threats facing our ocean, and explore innovative and practical solutions to combat these threats. The conference also serves to promote knowledge and activities related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular the work of the University of Bergen and other universities in Norway and around the world. This year, the OSB Conference aims to highlight one of the largest, and most complex, threats facing our ocean today: climate change.

The global sustainable future depends on the state of the ocean. The health of the ocean and human health are interconnected. Anthropogenic activities and their consequences impact, sometimes irreversibly, the ocean which in turn affects the health and well-being of the humans who depend on it. This delicate cycle is challenged ever more with the growing threat of climate change, and we are now in a race against ourselves to adapt to an unprecedented future.