University Leadership

No Academic Boycott of Israel!

Since the Student Society in Bergen organized an open meeting on academic boycott January 18, there has been considerable focus on this topic in various media.

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I was invited as a speaker at the meeting in the Student Society. Some media have presented a very biased  and misleading description of my views and comments. I have summarized my real views on the university's website. Here I would like to emphasize:
The debate was not initated by me. The invitation to the Student Society is the only reason why I have commented on the issue of academic boycott now.
The debate dealt with two topics, not only the specific issue regarding academic boycott of Israel, but also more general reflections on academic boycott as a form of action. As far as the issue of academic boycott of Israel is concerned, I have stated, both at the meeting and afterwards, that this not  on the agenda as a policy at the University of Bergen. At the University of Bergen there are no plans for an academic boycott of Israel.