Faggruppe Molekylærbiologi
MOLBIO seminarer

Validation of nanobody as a new tool to probe dynamics of Arc protein - a key player in synaptic plasticity of the mammalian brain

Live two-photon excitation imaging of dentate granule cells transduced with fluorescent protein (YPet2) by single-cell electroporation in organotypic rat hippocampal slice-cultures. Foto/ill.: Sergei Baryshnikov
Sergei Baryshnikov


Velkommen til MOLBIO seminar:

Tadiwos Mergiya (Phd student, Clive Raymond Evjen Bramham Group, Department of Biomedicine).

Tittel: “Validation of nanobody as a new tool to probe dynamics of Arc protein - a key player in synaptic plasticity of the mammalian brain”.

Ordstyrer: Thomas Stevenson