Centre for Cancer Biomarkers
CCBIOs seminarserie

CCBIO Seminar – Therese Sørlie

Velkommen CCBIO-seminarene for vårsemesteret 2022! Åpent for alle i Zoom. Speaker er Therese Sørlie, Department of Cancer Genetics, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, and Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo


Speaker: Therese Sørlie, Department of Cancer Genetics, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, and Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo

Bio: Therese Sørlie is the Head of department of Cancer Genetics and Professor II at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo. Her research field is breast cancer, DCIS and risk prediction. Dr. Sørlie was instrumental in the pioneering studies that defined the molecular subtypes of breast cancer, now part of clinically approved classification systems. Since then her studies focus on progression in the earliest stages of tumorigenesis under the hypothesis that progression occurs differently among the different subtypes. Recently, Dr Sørlie’s group has focused on a subgroup of hormone receptor positive breast cancer, namely FGFR1 amplified luminal A and B breast cancer. In the seminar she will discuss how FGFR1 might be a therapeutic target in FGFR1–signalling dependent tumors and may reverse endocrine resistance. She will also briefly present current efforts to study spatial heterogeneity in DCIS. 

Title of the talk: “FGFR1 as a biomarker and target for therapy in hormone receptor positive breast cancer”

Abstract: Luminal breast cancer (expressing estrogen receptor and/or progesterone receptor) accounts for approximately 75% of all breast cancers tumors and are associated with relatively good survival due to efficient treatment with endocrine therapy.  Despite this, a significant proportion (up to 40 %) will in the longer term, develop resistance to therapy and disease recurrence. Many different growth factor receptors and signaling pathways are involved in breast cancer development and progression and in development of resistance. One such growth factor receptor, Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1), is amplified in up to 27% of luminal cancers (highest in luminal B subtype) and is an independent prognostic marker associated with short overall survival rates. In this seminar, I will discuss our ongoing project on FGFR1 and its potential as a biomarker and target for therapy in luminal breast cancer. Through in vitro and in vivo experiments, we have shown that targeting FGFR1 inhibits cell proliferation and slows down tumor growth and may also re-sensitize resistant cells to hormone treatment. 

Time: April 28, 2022 at 13.00

Place: Digital through Zoom. Access link as audience: https://uib.zoom.us/j/66717563083?pwd=aEp1SnRFZ0w3MGJ2M3RBWm1vMXBodz09

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Host: Lars A. Akslen

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