Geodynamikk og Bassengstudier

Towards a modern plate tectonic style about 700 Myrs ago?

Studying the links between the surface and mantle dynamic processes during the Neoproterozoic


Project title:  Towards a modern plate tectonic style about 700 Myrs ago?

Project objectives:

The project is about studying the links between the surface and mantle dynamic processes during the Neoproterozoic and testing whether a major change in plate tectonics occurred during this time. The three main work packages are:

1. Acquisition of new paleomagnetic data and determination of the nature of paleomagnetic changes

2. Elaboration of a global tectonic plate model from 750 to 500 Ma

3. Test of the hypothesis of transition towards a continuous plate tectonic regime


Project period: 2022-2024 ( 3 years)

Project leader: Dr Boris Robert, GFZ – German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam

Involved at UiB: Harald Walderhaug

Other Project Partners:  Alan Rooney, Yale University & Monika Korte and Norbert Nowaczyk, GFZ Potsdam