Forskningsgruppe for svangerskap, fosterutvikling og fødsel


Agnethe Lund is a gynecologist and obstetrician, and the Medical head of Department of obstetrics and gynecology (Kvinneklinikken) at Haukeland University Hospital. She defended her PhD: Maternal diabetes mellitus and fetal venous liver flow – a longitudinal study, in 2019. The thesis focused on fetal growth and circulatory adaptations in pregnancies complicated by pregestational diabetes mellitus. Lund is the innovator behind Dina the chatbot, providing digital dialogue for women with gestational diabetes. She is opinionated and engaged in womens health issues, and was awarded “Årets debattant i Bergens Tidende” in 2015.

Agnethe loves the outdoors and is a dedicated foodie (cook, eat, repeat).