Politisk organisering og flernivåstyring

Tidsskriftartiklar og kapittel i bøker



Lægreid, Per and Christensen, Tom. 2010. Complexity and Hybrid Public Administration - Theoretical and Empirical Challenges, in Public Organization Review. Online First: 07.October 2010

Lægreid, Per and Christensen, Tom. 2010. Civil Servants' Perceptions Regarding ICT Use in Norwegian Central Governmen, in  Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 7(1),  January 2010

Lægreid, Per, Askim, J. , Christensen, T, and Fimreite, A.L. 2010. How to assess administrative reform? Investigating the adoption and preliminary impacts of the Norwegian welfare administration reform, in Public Administration




Christensen, Tom og Per Lægreid (2009): "Organising immigration policy: the unstable balance between political control and agency autonomy" in Policy and Politics, volume 37, Number 2, April 2009, pp.161-177(17)


Fimreite, Anne Lise: «Norwegian Regions – New Wine and Old Bottles? » (with Per Selle) in Paul G. Roness and Harald Sætren (eds): Change and Continuity in Public Sector Organizations – Essays in Honour of Per Lægreid, Bergen:Fagbokforlaget 2009.


Fimreite, Anne Lise og Per Lægreid:“How to Carry Out Joined-Up Government Reforms: Lessons from the 2001-2006 Norwegian Welfare Reform” (med J. Askim og T. Christensen), International Journal of Public Administration, 32 (12): 1006-1025.


Fimreite, Anne Lise: “Partnerskap mellom stat og kommune: Velferdspolitikkens territorielle dimensjon revisited?” (med K. Hagen). Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 12 (3): 155-167.


Fimreite, Anne Lise og Per Lægreid (2009): "Samordning - flernivåstyringens store utfordring" i Ingrid Helgøy og Jacob Aars (red) Flernivåstyring og demokrati, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2009.


Jacobsen, Dag Runar:“Dynamic interplay of state employees’ uniouns and administrative reform: The case of the Norwegian welfare administration. ”. I P.G. Roness og H. Sætren, red.. Change and Continuity in Public Sector Organizations. Essays in Honour of Per Lægreid. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.


Lægreid, Per og Anne Lise Fimreite (2009):" Reorganizing the welfare state administration : Partnership, networks and accountability" in Public Management Review, Volume 11, Issue 3 May 2009 , pages 281 - 297


Lægreid, Per, Paul G. Roness og Kristin Rubecksen (2009). "Moderne organisasjonsoppskrifter i norske direktorat: frå ledelse til styring?", Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier 11 (2): 3-25.


Lægreid, Per : “Transcending New Public Management: The Increasing Complexity of Balancing Control and Autonomy”. (med T. Christensen). Journal of Public Administration (Kina). 2 (1): 1-29.


Lægreid, Per: “Reforms of Welfare Administration and Policy – Comparison of Complexity and Hybridization: An Introduction” (med T. Christensen, K. Knuth og J. Wiggen), International Journal of Public Administration, 32 (12): 1001-1005.

Lægreid, Per: “Development of the Norwegian Civil Service System: Gradual Transformation of the Centralized State” (med T. Christensen). In R.J. Mathur, red. Approaches to Administrative Reforms in selected Countries. A Civil Service Perspective. Hyderabad: The Icfai University Press, pp 142-162.

Lægreid, Per: “Public Management Reform in Norway – Reluctance and Tensions” (med T. Christensen) In S. Goldfinch og J. Wallis (red.) International Handbook of Public Management Reform. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp 300-316.

Lægreid, Per: “Organizing Immigration Policy – The Unstable Balance between Political Control and Agency Autonomy” (med T. Christensen). Policy and Politics 37 (2): 161-17.

Lægreid, Per: “Living in the Past? – tenure, roles and attitudes in the central civil service” (med T. Christensen). Public Administration Review, 69 (5): 951-961.


Lægreid, Per, Paul G. Roness og Kristin Rubecksen: ”Moderne organisasjonsoppskrifter i norske direktorat. Frå ledelse til styring?” Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 11 (2):3-25.

Roness, Paul G.: ”Handling theoretical diversity”. I P.G. Roness og H. Sætren, red.. Change and Continuity in Public Sector Organizations. Essays in Honour of Per Lægreid. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.


Roness, Paul G. og Harald Sætren: “Change and Continuity in the study of public sector organizations”. I P.G. Roness og H. Sætren, red.. Change and Continuity in Public Sector Organizations. Essays in Honour of Per Lægreid. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.


Rubecksen, Kristin : “Autonomy of Public sector agencies in Norway, Ireland and Flanders: Does politicoadministrative culture help us to understand similarities and differences?” I P.G. Roness og H. Sætren, red. Change and Continuity in Public Sector Organizations. Essays in Honour of Per Lægreid. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.


Sætren, Harald: “A Comparative Study of the Anatomy of a Failed Efficiency strategy in Denmark and Norway: Policy success despite programme failures?”.I P.G. Roness og H. Sætren, red. Change and Continuity in Public Sector Organizations. Essays in Honour of Per Lægreid. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.


Sætren, Harald: “Explaining radical policy change against all odds: The role of leadership, institutions, program design and policy windows”. I J.A. Raffel, P. Leisink and A.E. Middlebrooks red., Public Sector Leadership. International Challenges and Perspectives. Cheltenham, UK



Christensen, Tom, Amund Lie and Per Lægreid: “Beyond New Public Management: Agencification and regulatory reform in Norway. Financial Accountability & Management, 24 (1): 15-30.


Christensen, Tom and Per Lægreid: “Modern Regulatory Policy – Ideas and Practice”. Policy & Society, 6(4): 19-39.


Christensen, Tom and Per Lægreid: "The regulatory orthodoxy in practice", in U. Sverdrup and J.Trondal (eds) The Organizational Dimension of Politics, Oslo:  Fagbokforlaget.


Christensen, Tom and Per Lægreid: “The Study of Public Administration and Management in Norway. Combining Organizational Theory and political Science ”. In W. Kickert, ed. The Study of Public       Management in Europe and the US. London: Routledge.           


Christensen, Tom and Per Lægreid “The Challenge of Coordination in Central Government Organizations: The Norwegian Case”. Public Organization Review. A Global Journal, 8 (2): 97-116.


Christensen, Tom and Per Lægreid: “NPM and beyond – leadership, culture and demography”. International Journal of Administrative Sciences, 74 (1): 5-21.


Christensen, Tom and Per Lægreid: “Post New Public Management Reforms – Exploring the Whole-of-Government Approach to Public Sector Reform”. In A.M. Bissessar, ed. Rethinking the Reform Question. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholar Press.


Elvbakken, Kari Tove, Per Lægreid og Lise Hellebø Rykkja: “Regulation for Safe Food. A Comparison of Five European Countries”, Scandinavian Political Studies, 31 (2): 109-132.


Fimreite, Anne Lise og Per Lægreid: “Samordning – flernivåstyringens store utfordring” (coordination- the big challenge of multi-level-governance). In I. Helgøy and J. Aars (eds.) Fleirnivåstyring og demokrati. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.


Jacobsen, Dag Runar og Paul G. Roness: ”Corporatism, administrative policy and state employees’ unions”, i Ulf Sverdrup og Jarle Trondal (red.): The Organizational Dimension of Politics. Essays in Honour of Morten Egeberg. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget


Lægreid, Per, Koen Verhoest and Werner Jann: “The Governance, Autonomy and Coordination of Public Sector Organizations”,. Public Organization Review. A Global Journal, 8 (2): 93-96.


Lægreid, Per, Runolfur Steinthorsson and Baldur Torhallsson: "Transnational Regulation: Europeanization of Nordic Central Governments”,  in P. Nedergaard & J. L. Campbell (eds.) Institutions and Politics. DJOEF Publishing. Copenhagen.


Lægreid, Per and Synnøve Serigstad: “Reorganizing for Homeland Security: The Case of Norway”. In J. Pinkowsky, ed. Homeland Security Handbook. CRL Press/Taylor & Francis.


Lægreid, Per og Paul G. Roness: “Nyinstitusjonalisme, aktørar og autonomi innafor statsvitskapen”. (Neo-institutionalism, actors and autonomy in political science”. Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 24 (1-2): 135-144..


Lægreid, Per, Paul G. Roness and Kristin Rubecksen: “Controlling Regulatory Agencies”. Scandinavian Political Studies, 31 (1): 1-26.


Lægreid, Per, Paul G. Roness and Kristin Rubecksen:  “Performance Information and Performance Steering” .In S. van der Walle and W. van Dooren (eds.) Utilizing Public Sector Performance Information. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmilan.


Roness, Paul G., Kristin Rubecksen, Koen Verhoest og Muiris McCarthaigh (2008) “Autonomy and Regulation of State Agencies: Reinforcement, Indifference or Compensation?”, Public Organization Review 8 (2): 155-174


Rykkja, Lise Hellebø: ”Flernivåstyring og regulering av mattrygghet”. I I. Helgøy og J. Aars, red. Flernivåstyring og demokrati. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.



Baldersheim, Harald and Anne Lise Fimreite: «Centre-Periphery Relations in Flux: Abolotion or Reconstruction of Regional Government?» West European Politics, vol 28, no 4.

Bouckaert, G., Per Lægreid and Steven Van de Walle: “Trust, quality measurement models, and value chain monitoring: symposium introduction” . Public Performance & Management Review, 28 (4): 460-64.

Byrkjeflot, Haldor and Simon Neby: "Norge i Norden: Fra etternøler til pioner i reformering av sykehussektoren". I: Helse-Norge i støpeskjeen. Søkelys på sykehusreformen. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2005.

Christensen, Tom and Per Lægreid: “Autonomization and Policy Capacity – the Dilemmas and Challenges Facing Political Executives” In M. Painter and J. Pierre, eds. Challenges to State Policy Capacity Global Trends and Comparative Perspectives. London: Palgrave

Christensen, Tom and Per Lægreid: “Trust in Government – the relative importance of service satisfaction, political factors and demography” Public Performance & Management Review, 28 (4): 487-511

Christensen, Tom and Per Lægreid “Globalization of Administrative Reforms: The Dilemmas of Combining Political Control and Increased Institutional Autonomy”. I A. Farazmand and J. Pinkowski, eds. Handbook of Globalization, Governance and Public Administration. New York: Taylor and Francis.


Christensen, Tom and Per Lægreid "Rebalancing the State: Reregulation and the Reassertion of the Centre". T. Christensen og P. Lægreid (eds.) Autonomy And Regulation Coping with Agencies in the Modern State. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2006.


Christensen, T. and Per Lægreid: “Regulatory agencies – the challenge of balancing agency autonomy and political control”. Governance. 20(3): 497-519.


Christensen, Tom and Per Lægreid: "Agencification and regulatory reform" In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, (eds.) Autonomy And Regulation Coping with Agencies in the Modern State. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2006.


Christensen, Tom and Per Lægreid: “The Study og Public Administration and Management in Norway”. In W. Kickert, ed. The Study of Public Management in Europe. London: Routledge 2007.


Christensen, Tom and Per Lægreid: "The Whole-of-Government Approach to Public Sector Reform". Public Administration Review, 67 (6).


Christensen, Tom and Per Lægreid: "The Whole of Government Approach to Modernization". In H. Hill, ed. Modernizing Government in Europe. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag 2007.


Lægreid, P. P.G. Roness and K. Rubecksen: “Controlling Regulatory Agencies”. Scandinavian Political Science, 31(1) 2007.


Christensen, Tom, Per Lægreid and Inger Stigen: “Performance Management and Public Sector Reform: The Norwegian Hospital Reform”. International Public Management Journal, 9 (2): 1-27.


Christensen, Tom, Anne Lise Fimreite and Per Lægreid: "Reform of Employment and Welfare Administration - the challange of coordinating diverge public organizations" International Review of Administrative Science, 73 (3) (September): 389-408.


Christensen, T., P. Lægreid and R. Norman: "Organizing Immigration - a Comparison of New Zealand and Norway". In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, (eds.) Trancending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms. Aldershot: Ashgate 2007, pp 110-134.


Christensen, T, A. Lie and P. Lægreid: "Still Fragmented Government or Reassertion of the Centre?" In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, (eds.) Trancending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp 1-17


Fimreite, Anne Lise: Ett folkestyre i framgang? Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift nr 4, 2005.


Fimreite, Anne Lise og Per Lægreid: "Statlig samordning, spesialisering og kommunalt selvstyre" (Central governmental coordination, specialization and local self governance). I NOU 2005: 6 Samspill og tillit. Om staten og lokaldemokratiet, vedlegg 4, pp 175-192.


Fimreite, Anne Lise og Per Selle: "Den egentlige regiondebatten" i Plan, Tidsskrift for samfunnsplanlegging, byplan og regional utvikling, nr 3-4, 2006


Fimreite, Anne Lise and Tommy Tranvik: "Reform failure, the Processes of Devolution and centralization in Norway" i Local Government Studies, vol 32, no 1, 2006.


Fimreite, Anne Lise, Aars, Jacob; Flo, Yngve og Tranvik, Tommy: "Kommunene i sentrum – stortingsrepresentantenes oppfatninger av og holdninger til lokalnivået". Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift ;22(3):231-255


Fimreite, Anne Lise og Tommy Tranvik: "Konsekvenser av velferdsrettigheter" i Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning nr 4,


Fimreite, Anne Lise, Per Selle og Tommy Tranvik: "Når sektorbåndene slites. Utfordringer for den norske velferdsmodellen" i Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning nr 1


Fimreite, Anne Lise og Jacob Aars: «Local Government and Governance in Norway: Stretched Accountability in Network Politics» Scandinavian Political Studies, Vol 28, no 3.


Fimreite, Anne Lise: Bokanmeldelse - Halvard Vike: Velferd uten grenser. Den norske velferdsstaten ved et veiskille. Oslo: Akribe. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 7(1):77-78.


Fimreite, Anne Lise og Bjørn Tore Hjertaker: "En refleksiv modell for mastergradsveiledning". UPED-skrift / Program for læringsforskning, Universitetet i Bergen 2006(1)


Fimreite, Anne Lise; Hjertaker, Bjørn Tore: "Sammenlignende studie av mastergradsveiledningen ved to institutt" i Forskningsveiledning på master - og doktorgradsnivå. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag ISBN 82-7935-207-4 . s. 249-267.


Lægreid, Per: “Organization Theory – the Scandinavian Way”. Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 9 (1): 77-82.


Lægreid, Per, Ståle Opedal og Inger Stigen: "Den norske sykehusreformen. Mer politisk styring enn fristilling?" Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier 3(2): 19-36.


Lægreid, Per, Ståle Opedal and Inger Stigen: “The Norwegian Hospital Reform – Balancing political control and enterprise autonomy”, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 30 (6):1035-1072.


Lægreid, Per, Arne R. Ramslien: "Etatsstyring og IKT på utlendingsfeltet" I T. Trandvik (ed.) Digital teknologi og organisasjonsendring. Studier av offentlig og frivillig sektor. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2007.


Lægreid, Per and Synnøve Serigstad: “Framing the field of Homeland Security: The Case of Norway”. Journal of Management Studies 43(6): 1395-1413.


Lægreid, Per and Synnøve Serigstad: "Reorganizing for Homeland Security: The Case of Norway". In J. Pinkowsky (ed.) Handbook of Homeland Security. CRL Press/Taylor & Francis.


Lægreid, Per, Paul G. Roness and Kristin Rubecksen “Autonomy and control in the Norwegian Civil Service: Does agency form matter?”. I T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, red. Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with agencies in the modern state. Chetenham: Edward Elgar.


Lægreid, Per, Paul G. Roness and Kristin Rubecksen: “Modern management tools in state agencies: The case of Norway”, International Public Management Journal  10 (4): 387-413.


Lægreid, Per, Paul G. Roness and Kristin Rubecksen: “Performance management in practice – The Norwegian Way”. Financial Accountability and Management , 22 (3): 251-270.


Roness, Paul G.
“Statsvitarfaget og organisasjonsutforming”. I E. Døving og Å. Johnsen, red. Organisasjonsteori på norsk. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.


Roness, Paul G.: “Types of State Organizations: Arguments, Doctrines and Changes Beyond New Public Management”, i Tom Christensen og Per Lægreid (red.): Transcending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms, Aldershot: Ashgate.


Rykkja, Lise Hellebø: "Regulering og kontroll av mat i EU. Utvikling av et felt gjennom fire perioder". Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, 87 (1): 5-22.


Rykkja, Lise Hellebø: "Independent Food Agencies - Restoring Confidence". Policy and Society, 23 (4):125-148.


Rykkja, Lie Hellebø og Kari Tove Elvbakken: "Norsk matkontroll - konflikter om kontrollhensyn og verdier". Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 22 (2): 119-140.

Sætren, Harald. "Facts and Myths about Research on Public Policy Implementation: Out-of- Fashion, Allegedly Dead, But Still Very Much Alive and Relevant." . Policy Studies Journal ;33(4):559-582