Institutt for filosofi og førstesemesterstudier

Ian Ground: Understanding Others

Ian Ground fra Department of Philosophy ved University of Hertfordshire besøker instituttet og Wittgensteinarkivet i uke 39. I denne forbindelse holder han to gjesteforelesninger.

Plakat for begge gjesteforelesninger av Ian Ground
Ian Ground


Den første forelesningen heter "Understanding Animals" og holdes tirsdag 27. september kl. 14.15-16.00 i møterommet i første etage i Sydnesplassen 12/13.

Den andre heter "Understanding Others" og holdes dagen etter, 28. september, kl. 10.15-12.00 i rom 129 i Sydnesplassen 12/13.

Sistnevnte forelesning inngår også i kurset FIL217/317: Wittgensteinstudier, men begge gjesteforelesningene er åpne for alle interesserte.



"My aim in this pair of lectures is explore issues concerning our understanding of ourselves and animals in relation to the philosophy of Wittgenstein. I will be surveying some standard accounts of our understanding of others in the philosophy of social cognition and offering some points of comparison and contrast with the case of the non-linguistic non-human. I will try and show, in particular, how Wittgensteinian accounts of expression and psychological criteria can illuminate central problems in the animal sciences.

Once we have freed ourselves from confounding and false pictures of understanding, meaning and normativity, it seems likely that the gaining and systemisation of ethological insights into the varieties of enmindedness in the natural world will be one of the great philosophical and scientific adventures of our still fresh century.

It’s time, in philosophy, for the "animal turn"."