Bergen biomedisinske forskerskole

Disputas: Sadaf Ghorbani

Kandidaten vil forsvare avhandlingen “On the protein complex between 14-3-3 proteins and tyrosine hydroxylase – Isoform differences and modulation of phosphorylation states”



Tirsdag 18. desember 2018, 10:15, Auditorium i Armauer Hansens hus


“On the protein complex between 14-3-3 proteins and tyrosine hydroxylase –
Isoform differences and modulation of phosphorylation states”


Professor Carol MacKintosh, Division of Cell and Developmental Biology, School of Life
Sciences, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK

Professor Finn Olav Levy, Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Clinical Medicine,
University of Oslo, Norway

Førsteamanuensis Beate Stern, Insititutt for biomedisin, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av Boleslaw Srebro

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