Institutt for biologisk og medisinsk psykologi


Avhandlingens tittel

"About psychotic-like experiences and auditory verbal hallucinations. Transdiagnostic investigations of neurobiological, cognitive, and emotional aspects of a continuous phenomenon."


  1. opponent: Associate Professor Simon McCarthy-Jones, Department of Psychiatry, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
  2. opponent: Researcher Dr. Marine Mondino, Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier, Lyon Neuroscience Research Centre, Lyon University, France

Leder av komiteen

Førsteamanuensis Frøydis Morken, Institutt for biologisk og medisinsk psykologi, Det psykologiske fakultet, UiB


Instituttleder Lin Sørensen, Institutt for biologisk og medisinsk psykologi, Det psykologiske fakultet, UiB

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