Institutt for informatikk

Analysing Gene Expression in Ageing and Disease


Sushma Nagaraja Grellscheid i a newly appointed Associate Professor at the Department of Biosciences and the Computational Biology Unit  (CBU) at the Department of Informatics at UiB.

Her group's research involves wet lab biologists, physicists, and computer scientists in close collaboration. Together they investigate the regulation of gene expression in a variety of developmental and disease conditions. They employ computational approaches to analyse and visualise biological data, and frequently return to the 'wet' lab to validate and extentd heir findings.


In this seminar I will discuss the computational techniques we use with biological data, in particular to investigate the changes in gene expression during development, ageing or as a result of genetic disease.

I will illustrate with some examples how we generate this data in the lab, the computational methods involved in analysing it, and how insights gained from such data analysis impact in our understanding og biology and hence our future research direction