Institutt for pedagogikk

Qualitative case study research

The main course goal is to introduce PhD students to how to carry our qualitative case study research with on a high academic level for a doctoral thesis. Throughout the course the Phd students will develop their understanding of how to increase the quality of qualitative case study research generally and regarding the publishing process in scientific journals. The course aims to develop the PhD students’ abilities to write their own qualitative case study research papers in a coherent and transparent way.

Rune J. Krumsvik


Basert på:

*målet om å ivareta en desentralisert profil i WNGER II

*det Grønne Skiftet

*våre erfaringer med fjernundervisning i studien "Face-to-face and remote teaching in a doctoral education course"(https://www.idunn.no/uniped/2019/02/face-to-face_and_remote_teaching_inadoctoral_education_co)

*UiBs retningslinjer for det nåværende utbruddet av corona (hvor vi oppfordres til å redusere reiser) (https://www.uib.no/no/corona)

på bakgrunn av dette vil det være mulig å delta på dette kurset både ved vanlig fremmøte ved UiB og ved online deltakelse for WNGER II-stipendiater.

Maksimalt antall deltakere: 20

Ny påmeldingsfrist: 15. mars 2020: 

Requirements and workload (ECTS):

• 1 ECTS:

- Home assignments before the course day

- Min. 80% attendance during lectures on the course day

• 3 ECTS:

- Home assignments before the course day

- Min. 80% attendance during lectures on the course day

- Academic paper after the course day