Neuro-SysMed (NSM)
Månedlige Neuro-SysMed-seminarer

Neuro-SysMed seminar – Omsorg

Velkommen til Neuro-SysMeds månedlige seminarer! Denne gangen vil emnet være Omsorg og demens, med foreleser Bettina Husebø. Bli med i auditoriet i Bikuben kl. 11:30–13:00 (lunsj fra 11:30–12:00).

brain illustration
Neuro-SysMed / C. Tzoulis


Speaker: Bettina Husebø, Neuro-SysMed PI, Professor at the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care and Leader of the Centre for Elderly and Nursing Home Medicine

Title: Paradigm Change in Elderly Care: Can Artificial Intelligence Support Us to Understand Dementia?

Abstract: Dementia is not an unavoidable consequence of aging, but for most nursing home patients and home-dwelling people with dementia a result of complex chronic health conditions. About 95% of people with dementia have multimorbidity, which requires a multicomponent approach and transdisciplinary collaboration to support patients and relatives, and to implement welfare technology and smart solutions.

In this talk, I aim to describe the necessity to combining “warm hands with artificial intelligence” to meet the upcoming, pressing issues in elderly care, and describe unmet potential for communication, tracking, and sensing technology and especially, for devices not offered by the municipalities. Our five novel projects (ActiveAgeing with the DIGI.PARK and Helgetun brunch; DARK.DEM; DIPH.DEM, and EEG.CON) will be presented. Participants experiences related to usage and awareness on data collection are important requirements throughout the entire projects.

Place: The auditorium in Bikuben, Jonas Lies vei 69 (campus Haukeland University Hospital)

Time: Wednesday December 14 at 11:30 - 13:00 (lunch from 11:30 - 12:00).

Registration link: please use this link  Deadline is Dec. 12 at 11:00 if you want to join the lunch.

Lecture language: English