Norway-Pacific Ocean-Climate Scholarship Programme (N-POC)


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Norway-Pacific Ocean-Climate Scholarship Programme

Advisory Committees


The UiB Advisory Committee for N-POC:


Professor Edvard Hviding, Bergen Pacific Studies (Committee Chair and N-POC Coordinator)

Professor Tore Furevik, Director, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre

Professor Amund Maage, Director of Marine Research / UiB

Professor Kjersti Fløttum, Faculty of Humanities

Professor Peter M. Haugan, Institute of Marine Research / University of Bergen

Dr. Camilla Borrevik, Bergen Pacific Studies and SDG Advisor

Miriam Ladstein, Bergen Pacific Studies (Committee Secretary and N-POC Administrator)

Dr. Natalya Gallo, Department of biological Sciences, UN Ocean Decade ECOP


The USP Advisory Committee for N-POC: