


The Bergen Algorithms Research Group is researching effective and efficient algorithms that can make computer programs to run as fast as possible.

A special focus is put on hard decision problems, so-called NP-complete problems, and try to find practical algorithm for these.

The picture shows the members of the algorithms group, as of 2013, behind the department building, with Mount Ulriken in the background.

Do you want to study algorithms?

You can find information on our master's program below.  Whether you would like to go into the industry, or proceed with a PhD afterwards, we definitely have a master thesis that will suite you.

Here you can find more information on our study programmes:

Our group is also strongly involved in the organization of yearly activities such as the Norwegian championship in programming, informatics olympiad, and the IT subject matter day for high school students.

The winner team

Won the norwegian championship in programming

Team from UiB won norwegian championship in programming.


Students from Bergen won IDI Open 2014

Three students from the Department of Informatics, all master students in Algorithms, won the programming contest IDI Open 2014.

Image of blackboard with algorithms written all over it.

OK Computer: a world of algorithms

The world is full of problems, but not every problem has a good algorithm that can solve it. Meet the researchers who make the computer think.

Photo showing two boards full of mathematical riddles, the picture is from the Bergen Algorithms Research Group's offices.

Travelling at the speed of algorithms

Young researcher Michał Pilipczuk has solved a 20 year-old mathematical riddle. His work can help computers make better choices. It also brought him the 2013 Meltzer Award for young researchers.