Evolusjonær økologi


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Baulier, L., and M. Heino. 2008. Norwegian spring-spawning herring as the test case of piecewise linear regression method for detecting maturation from growth patterns. Journal of Fish Biology 73:2452-2467. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2008.02088.x.  

Boukal, D. S., E. S. Dunlop, M. Heino, and U. Dieckmann. 2008. Fisheries-induced evolution of body size and other life history traits: the impact of gear selectivity. ICES Document, ICES, Copenhagen.

Boukal, D. S., L. Berec, and V. Křivan. 2008. Does sex-selective predation stabilize or destabilize predator-prey dynamics? PLoS ONE 3:e2687. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0002687. Open Access!

Deredec, A., L. Berec, D. S. Boukal, and F. Courchamp. 2008. Are non-sexual models appropriate for predicting the impact of virus-vectored immunocontraception? Journal of Theoretical Biology 250:281-290. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2007.09.037.  

Enberg, K., E. S. Dunlop, and C. Jørgensen. 2008. Fish growth. Pages 1564-1572 in S. E. Jørgensen and B. D. Fath, editors. Encyclopedia of Ecology. Elsevier.  

Hard, J. J., M. R. Gross, M. Heino, R. Hilborn, R. G. Kope, R. Law, and J. D. Reynolds. 2008. Evolutionary consequences of fishing and their implications for salmon. Evolutionary Applications 1:388-408. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-4571.2008.00020.x. Open Access!

Heino, M., L. Baulier, D. S. Boukal, E. S. Dunlop, S. Eliassen, K. Enberg, C. Jørgensen, and Ø. Varpe. 2008. Evolution of growth in Gulf of St Lawrence cod? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275:1111-1112. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2007.1429.  

Heino, M., D. S. Boukal, T. Falkenhaug, U. Piatkowski, F. M. Porteiro, and T. T. Sutton. 2008a. Size structure, age-size dynamics and life history variation. ICES Document, ICES, Copenhagen.

Heino, M., D. S. Boukal, T. Falkenhaug, U. Piatkowski, F. M. Porteiro, and T. T. Sutton. 2008b. Length structure of deep-pelagic fishes sheds new light to their life histories. ICES, Copenhagen.

Heino, M., and U. Dieckmann. 2008a. Detecting fisheries-induced life-history evolution: an overview of the reaction norm approach. Bulletin of Marine Science 83:69-93. Open Access!

Heino, M., and U. Dieckmann. 2008b. Evolution and sustainability of harvested populations. Pages 308-323 in S. C. Carroll and C. W. Fox, editors. Conservation Biology: Evolution in Action. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. 

Heino, M., and K. Enberg. 2008. Sustainable use of populations and overexploitationin Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. Retrieved from http://www.els.net/.

Heino, M., G. H. Engelhard, and O. R. Godø. 2008. Migrations and hydrography determine the abundance fluctuations of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) in the Barents Sea. Fisheries Oceanography 17:153-163. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2419.2008.00472.x.  

Heino, M., K. Parvinen, and U. Dieckmann. 2008. Evolution of foraging strategies on resource gradients. Evolutionary Ecology Research 10:1131-1156. pdf. Open Access!

Hiddink, J. G., B. R. MacKenzie, A. Rijnsdorp, N. K. Dulvy, E. E. Nielsen, D. Bekkevold, M. Heino, P. Lorance, and H. Ojaveer. 2008. Importance of fish biodiversity for the management of fisheries and ecosystems. Fisheries Research 90:6-8. doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2007.11.025.

Jørgensen, C., E. S. Dunlop, A. F. Opdal, and Ø. Fiksen. 2008. The evolution of spawning migrations: state dependence and fishing-induced changes. Ecology 89:3436-3448. doi: 10.1890/07-1469.1.

Jørgensen, C., K. Enberg, E. S. Dunlop, R. Arlinghaus, D. S. Boukal, K. Brander, B. Ernande, A. Gårdmark, F. Johnston, S. Matsumura, H. Pardoe, K. Raab, A. Silva, A. Vainikka, U. Dieckmann, M. Heino, and A. D. Rijnsdorp. 2007. Managing evolving fish stocks. Science 318:1247-1248. doi: 10.1126/science.1148089.

Jørgensen, C., K. Enberg, E. S. Dunlop, R. Arlinghaus, D. S. Boukal, K. Brander, B. Ernande, A. Gårdmark, F. Johnston, S. Matsumura, H. Pardoe, K. Raab, A. Silva, A. Vainikka, U. Dieckmann, M. Heino, and A. D. Rijnsdorp. 2008. The role of fisheries-induced evolution - response. Science 320:48-50. doi: 10.1126/science.320.5872.47b.

Sutton, T. T., F. M. Porteiro, M. Heino, I. Byrkjedal, G. Langhelle, C. I. H. Anderson, J. Horne, H. Søiland, T. Falkenhaug, O. R. Godø, and O. A. Bergstad. 2008. Vertical structure, biomass and topographic association of deep-pelagic fishes in relation to a mid-ocean ridge system. Deep-Sea Research II 55:161-184. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.09.013.  

Thériault, V., E. S. Dunlop, U. Dieckmann, L. Bernatchez, and J. J. Dodson. 2008. The impact of fishing-induced mortality on the evolution of alternative life-history tactics in brook charr. Evolutionary Applications 1:409-423. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-4571.2008.00022.x. Open Access!