Evolusjonær økologi


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Master and PhD theses

Below is the list of theses completed at EvoFish or where EvoFish has been an important part of the research environment. Before 2013, only theses from the old Evolutionary Fisheries Ecology group are listed.



Lisa Simonsen: How variability in spring weather influences the phenology of insectivorous terrestrial birds. MSc Thesis.

Marie HausoShould I stay or should I go? The factors affecting male dispersal in an ectoparasite, the salmon louse (Lepeoptheirus salmonis). MSc Thesis.


Nils Mo: Distribution of saithe (Pollachius virens) in the Barents Sea under changing environmental conditions. MSc Thesis.

Ainslie Nash: The predation landscape encountered by Atlantic salmon smolts in their freshwater and early marine migration. MSc Thesis.


Nestory Peter GabagambiBiological and ecological effects of Ligula intestinalis (Linnaeus, 1758) in a fish host Engraulicypris sardella (Gütter, 1868) from Tanzanian side of Lake Nyasa. PhD Thesis.

Erlend Mjelde Hanssen: Novel telemetry predation sensors and mechanistic models reveal the tribulations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts migrating through lakes. MSc Thesis.

Magnus André HulbakAre migration timing estimates based on tagged Atlantic salmon smolts (Salmo salar) biased? MSc Thesis.


Marion Claireaux: Long-term changes in life-history traits of Norwegian spring-spawning herring. PhD Thesis.

Elise Eidset: Experimental fishing with small meshed gears – a method for describing fish assemblages and for obtaining recruitment indices. MSc Thesis.

Cian Kelly: Evaluating the utility of escapement strategies for management of long-lived species with sporadic recruitment. MSc Thesis.

Julie Trollebø Kvalheim: Analyses of catch rates of important bycatch species in the Norwegian Coastal Survey north of Stad 2003–2017. Do catch statistics and scientific surveys tell the same story? MSc Thesis.

Kristina Dypvik Skants: Species composition, distribution and ecology of the demersal fish community along the Norwegian coast north of Stadt under varying environmental conditions. MSc Thesis.


Synne Myhre Sunde: Fødebiologi til nordlig lysprikkfisk (Benthosema glaciale, Reinhardt 1837) i fire Nordatlantiske havbassenger (Feeding ecology of northern lanternfish (Benthosema glaciale) in four north Atlantic ocean basins). MSc Thesis.

Martine R. Solås: Can enrichment improve the post-release survival of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon fry (Salmo salar)? – A field experiment. MSc Thesis. (Bergen Open Research Archive)

Torborg Emmerhof Rustand: Krill (Euphausia superba) and salp (Salpa thompsoni) distribution in the South Orkney area during the austral summer of the El Niño Year 2016. MSc Thesis.


Mathias Stølen Ugelvik: Salmon lice as models for understanding life history evolution of parasites under intensive farming. PhD Thesis.

Aurelien Delaval: The population structure of roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) in southern Norway. MSc Thesis. (published as Delaval et al. 2018. Norwegian fjords contain sub-populations of roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestris, a deep-water fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series 586:181–192. doi: 10.3354/meps12400)

Anne Marte Fauske: Betydinga av oppvekstmiljø for fødeåtferd hjå lakseyngel (Effect of rearing environment on the feeding behavior of juvenile salmon). MSc Thesis.


Silje Sikveland: Does enrichment in the living environment affect dominance and aggressive behaviour in Salmo salar? MSc Thesis.

Ingeborg Alnes: Environmental enrichment and learning capacity in Atlantic salmon. MSc Thesis.

Eihab Idris: Fisheries-induced evolution in morphology: A selection experiment on the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata). MSc Thesis. (Bergen Open Research Archive)


Geetha Jeyakanth: Effect of ambient oxygen on the life history of guppies (Poecilia reticulata). MSc Thesis. (published as Díaz Pauli, Kolding, Jeyakanth, and Heino. 2017. Effects of ambient oxygen and size-selective mortality on maturation and growth in guppies. Conservation Physiology5(1):cox010. doi:10.1093/conphys/cox010)

Thor Mo: Host responses to salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). MSc Thesis.


Camilla Jensen: Intensive aquaculture: Life history responses in energy allocation towards offspring in salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). MSc Thesis.

Piero F. Lopez: Changes in growth under size-selective mortality using otolith microstructure analysis. MSc Thesis.


Seivåg, Maria L.: Variation in reproductive strategies in African bearded goby Sufflogobius bibarbatus. MSc Thesis. (published as a part of Salvanes, ..., Taha, ..., Seivåg, et al. 2018. Variation in growth, morphology and reproduction of the bearded goby (Sufflogobius bibarbatus) in varying oxygen environments of northern Benguela. Journal of Marine Systems 188:81–97. doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2018.04.003)

Taha, Yusra: Variation in maturation and fecundity in African bearded goby Sufflogobius bibarbatus. MSc Thesis. (published as a part of Salvanes, ..., Taha, ..., Seivåg, et al. 2018. Variation in growth, morphology and reproduction of the bearded goby (Sufflogobius bibarbatus) in varying oxygen environments of northern Benguela. Journal of Marine Systems 188:81–97. doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2018.04.003)

Christiansen, Henrik: Age and growth of the bearded goby (Sufflogobius bibarbatus) in the northern Benguela upwelling. MSc Thesis, University of Bremen.

Paulsen, Torbjørn R.: Do plants want to be eaten? Part one: No, Part two: Yes. PhD Thesis.

Utama, Andria A. Sources of uncertainty in acoustic survey estimates of Bali sardinella (Sardinella lemuru) in the Bali Strait, Indonesia. MSc Thesis.

Jayawickrama, Ranga: Consequences of size-dependent harvest in guppy: study of morphological traits and their heritability. MSc Thesis.


Díaz Pauli, Beatriz: Contemporary evolution caused by fisheries. Contributions from experimental studies. PhD Thesis.


Wiech, Martin: Gear avoidance behavior, personality, growth, and metabolic rate in guppies. MSc Thesis, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland. (published as Diaz Pauli, Wiech, et al. 2015. Opposite selection on behavioural types by active and passive fishing gears in a simulated guppy Poecilia reticulata fishery. Journal of Fish Biology 86:1030–1045. doi: 10.1111/jfb.12620)

Zimmermann, Fabian: The value of size. Bioeconomic consequences of size-dependent pricing and fishing-induced evolution. PhD Thesis.


Arved Staby: Seasonal dynamics of the vertical migration behaviour of mesopelagic fish. PhD thesis.

Olav Moberg:  The life-history trade-off between immune function and behavioural development.PhD thesis.


Baulier, Loïc: Evolutionary and statistical modeling of life-time schedules of energy allocation in Atlantic herring and cod. PhD Thesis.

Dankel, Dorothy J.: Scientists as facilitators: an objective technique to illustrate a zone of stakeholder consensus. PhD Thesis.

Myrseth, Johanna: Managing marine fish populations under uncertain estimates: What are the benefits of stock information? MSc Thesis. (published as Myrseth et al. 2011. Do accurate stock estimates increase harvest and reduce variability in fisheries yields? Natural Resource Modeling 24:222-241. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-7445.2011.00089.x)


Samakupa, Albert P.: Population parameters of costal Northeast Arctic saithe (Pollacius virens). MSc Thesis.