Anne Berit Kolmannskogs bilde

Anne Berit Kolmannskog

Rådgiver, Centre for international health
  • E-postAnne.Kolmannskog@uib.no
  • Telefon+47 55 58 54 39
  • Besøksadresse
    Overlege Danielsens Hus, Årstadveien 21
    5009 Bergen
  • Postadresse
    Postboks 7804
    5020 Bergen

Administrativ forskningskoordinator ved Senter for internasjonal helse

  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). Family assessment conversations as a tool to support families affected by parental mental illness: a retrospective review of electronic patient journals. International Journal of Mental Health Systems. 1-9.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2007). Trifluoperazine causes a disturbance in glycerophospholipid monolayers containing phosphatidylserine (PS): Effects of pH, acyl unsaturation, and proportion of PS. Langmuir. 694-699.

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