Karin Antonia Mösslers bilde

Karin Antonia Mössler

  • E-postkarin.moessler@uib.no
  • Besøksadresse
    Lars Hilles gate 3
    5015 Bergen
  • Postadresse
    Postboks 7800
    5020 Bergen

Research Interests

Karin Mössler has a broad research expertise in quantitative, qualitative as well mixed method research. Her main research foci comprise effect research and the study of mechanisms of change in music therapy, specifically the therapeutic relationship, within different populations in mental health care (severe mental disorders, autism).

Current and Previous Positions

2011 - present: Senior Researcher, Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre, Uni Research, Bergen, Norway

2011 - present: Music Therapist, Culture School, Bergen, Norway

2008-2011 Post doc Researcher, Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre, University of Bergen, Norway

2002-2008 Music therapist - Psychiatric Clinic Wagner-Jauregg Linz, Austria


2014-2016    Head of Scientific Committee, 10th European Music Therapy Congress, Austria

2012-2013    Review panel member, 9th European Music Therapy Congress, Norway

2011-2013    Associate Editor, VOICES: A World Forum for Music Therapy.

2002             Member of the Scientific Committee, Music Therapy Symposium at the 3rd World Congress for     

                    Psychotherapy, Austria



Vitenskapelig artikkel
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). The room is a mess: Exploring the co-creation of space for attunement dynamics between an autistic child and a non-autistic music therapist. Nordic journal of music therapy. 21 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2020). Attunement in Music Therapy for Young Children with Autism: Revisiting Qualities of Relationship as Mechanisms of Change. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2017). The therapeutic relationship as predictor of change in music therapy with young children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2795-2809.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2017). International multicentre randomised controlled trial of improvisational music therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder: TIME-A study. Health Technology Assessment. 40 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2017). Effects of improvisational music therapy vs enhanced standard care on symptom severity among children with autism spectrum disorder: The TIME-A randomized clinical trial. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 525-535.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). Wie klingt verändern. Eine qualitative Studie über das Entwickeln eines Fokus in der Musiktherapie. Musiktherapeutische Umschau. 152-164.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Musical progress towards therapeutic change. A qualitative study on how to develop a focus in music therapy. Nordic journal of music therapy.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Reliability and validity of a scale to measure interest in music among clients in mental health care. Psychology of Music. 665-682.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Individual music therapy for mental health care clients with low therapy motivation: multicentre randomised controlled trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 319-331.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Converging reflections on music therapy with children and adolescents: A collaborative seminar on diverse areas of music therapy practice and research. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2012). Music therapy techniques as predictors of change in mental health care. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 333-341.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2011). The clinical application and relevance of resource-oriented principles in music therapy with psychiatric clients. British Journal of Music Therapy (BJMT). 72-91.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2011). I am a psychotherapeutically oriented music therapisto: theory construction and its influence on professional identity formation under the example of the Viennese School of Music Therapy. Nordisk tidsskrift for musikkterapi. 155-184.
Faglig foredrag
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Musikkterapi som relasjonelt pusterom.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2020). Entwicklungen in der musiktherapeutischen Autismusforschung.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2020). Community Music Therapy.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Ergebnisse musiktherapeutischer Wirkforschung mit Menschen mit psychischer Erkrankung.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Collaboration within the Shared Moments project.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2017). What is the benefit of music therapy for people with schizophrenia? Updated Cochrane Review .
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). Shared Moments. Findings from the pilot study.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). Kva veit vi om effekten av musikkterapi for personar med psykoselidingar.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). TIME-A prosjektet. Musikkterapi i forskning og praksis med barn med autisme.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Eye contact with children with autism.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). TIME-A: Investigating improvisational music therapy for children with autism spectrum disorders.
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Was würde Editha dazu sagen? Entwicklungslinien der Wiener Musiktherapie.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Shared Moments. Fra sanseopplevelser til intensjoner.
Vitenskapelig foredrag
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Å lage Lego-lyder. En kroppslig tilnærming til musikkterapi med autistiske barn.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Sounding Lego. An enactive account of music therapy with autistic children. Findings from an international multiperspective focus group research.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2020). "What's this adorable noise!" Music therapy and participatory sense making with preschool children with autism.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2020). "Svisj", vi kaster LEGO! Holdninger og forventninger til musikkterapi med barn med autisme - et relfeksivt interaksjonsverksted. (ikke gjennomført grunnet covid-19).
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2017). What´s this adorable noise? Relational qualities in music therapy with children with autism spectrum disorders. .
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2017). Kinesthetic recognition in video analysis: working with felt sense in music therapy research .
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2017). Betydningen av relasjonen i musikkterapeutisk autismebehandling.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). What's this adorable noise? Relational qualities in music therapy with children with autism spectrum disorder.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). Relasjonen på tronen. Kvaliteter i relasjonen i autismebehandling.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). Mapping intersubjectivity.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). Is improvisational music therapy an effective intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder? Findings from the multi-site randomised controlled TIME-A trial.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Shared Moments: The quality of the therapeutic relationship as outcome predictor in improvisational music therapy with children with autism – an embodied perspective.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). What do we address - what can we measure? Evaluation of music therapy proesses in mental health care.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Shared moments. The quality of the relationship as outcome predictor in music therapy with children with autism spectrum disorders.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Shared Moments. The relationship as outcome predictor in music therapy with children with autism spectrum disorders.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Shared Moments. The quality of the relationship as outcome predictor in music therapy with children with autism spectrum disorders.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Shared Moments. Relationship as otucome predictor in music therapy with children with ASD.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Music therapy may promote relational skills in children with ASD – evidence from an updated Cochrane Review.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Motivasjon, Emosjon, Kommunikasjon. Effekter av musikkterapi med mennesker i psykisk helsevern.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Meta-analyses in music therapy.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Effekter av musikkterapi med mennesker i psykisk helsevern.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). About being pragmatic. Experiences from international multicenter trials.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2012). Shared moments. Assessing the quality of relationship in music therapy with children with autism.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2012). Outcome research in music therapy.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2012). Motivasjon, emosjon, kommunikasjon. Effekter av musikkterapi med mennesker i psykisk helsevern.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2012). Motivasjon, emosjon, kommunikasjon. Effekter av musikkterapi med mennesker i psykisk helsevern.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2012). Introduction into Improvisational Music Therapy.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Spezifische und unspezifische Wirkfaktoren in der Musiktherapie. Wiener Ringvorlesungen Musiktherapie. Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder der Musiktherapie – ein Kurzlehrbuch. Praesens Verlag.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Die Wiener Musiktherapie - ein lauschendes Begegnen. mdw - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2020). Was würde Editha dazu sagen? Entwicklungslinien der Wiener Musiktherapie. Tagungsband: 60 Jahre und (k)ein bisschen weise. Musiktherapie-Ausbildung an der mdw 1959–2019. 16-33.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Tullespråk er godt for babyer. Bergens Tidende.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). Musikkterapi og autisme - forsking og praksis i rørsla. Musikkterapi. 38-43.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Musikkterapi får autister til å fungere bedre.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Har bedre effekt enn standardbehandling.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). En metafor for livet.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). The good, bad and ugly: joys and challenges of being involved in international research with children with autism. Nordisk tidsskrift for musikkterapi. 89.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2020). Attunement in music therapy - addressing sensory and affective issues with children with ASC.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). The therapeutic relationship as outcome predictor in music therapy with children with autism.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2017). Beziehung als Wirkfaktor in der musiktherapeutischen Arbeit mit Kindern mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störung.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). What's this adorable noise? Relational qualities in music therapy with children with autism spectrum disorder.
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Music therapy for autistic people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2017). Music therapy for people with schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like disorders. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 1-79.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Music therapy for people with autism spectrum disorder. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2011). Music therapy for people with schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like disorders (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2017). Zeiten der Bewegung – Antworten der Musiktherapeutin. Musiktherapeutische Umschau. 348-350.
Faglig kapittel
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Wiener Schule der Musiktherapie. . I:
    • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Lexikon Musiktherapie.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). Spezifische und unspezifische Wirkfaktoren in der Musiktherapie. . I:
    • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). Kurzlehrbuch Musiktherapie. Teil I. Wiener Ringvorlesung Musiktherapie – Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder. 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage. Praesens Verlag.

Se fullstendig oversikt over publikasjoner i CRIStin.


Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Geretsegger, M., Mössler, KA., Bieleninik, L., Chen, XJ., Heldal, TO., Gold, C. (2017). Music therapy for people with schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like disorders. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 5. Art. No.: CD004025. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004025.pub4.

Fuchs, K., & Mössler, K. (2016). Wie klingt verändern. Eine qualitative Studie über das Entwickeln eines Fokus in der Musiktherapie. Musiktherapeutische Umschau 37(2), 152-164.

Mössler, K., & Fuchs, K. (2015). Musical progress towards therapeutic change: A qualitative study on how to develop a focus in music therapy. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 24(4), 322-343. doi: 10.1080/08098131.2014.966748

Geretsegger, M., Elefant, C., Mössler, K., & Gold, C. (2014). Music therapy for people with autism spectrum disorder. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 6. Art.No.: CD004381. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD004381.pub3.

Mössler, K.,Gilbertson, S., Krüger, V., Schmid, W. (2013). Converging reflections on music therapy with children and adolescents: A collaborative seminar on diverse areas of music therapy practice and research. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy. Available at: https://voices.no/index.php/voices/article/view/721/612. Date accessed: 19 May. 2014.

Gold, C., Mössler, K., Grocke, D., Heldal, T. O., Tjemsland, L., Aare, T., Aaro, L. E., Rittmannsberger, H., Stige, B. & Rolsvjord, R. (2013). Individual music therapy for mental health care clients with low therapy motivation: The RCT-MTPSY randomised controlled trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 82, 319-331. doi: 10.1159/000348452

Gold, C., Rolvsjord, R., Mössler, K., Stige, B. (2012). Reliability and Validity of a Scale to measure Interest in Music among Clients in Mental Health Care. Psychology of Music.doi:10.1177/0305735612441739

Mössler, K., Assmus, J., Heldal, T.O., Fuchs, K., Gold, C. (2012) Music therapy techniques as predictors of change in mental health care. The Arts in Psychotherapy 39, 333-341. doi:10.1016/j.aip.2012.05.002

Gold, C., Mössler, K., Grocke, D., Heldal, T. O., Tjemsland, L., Aare, T., Aaro, L. E., Rittmannsberger, H., Stige, B. & Rolsvjord, R. (2012). Individual music therapy for mental health care clients with low therapy motivation: The RCT-MTPSY randomised controlled trial. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Mössler, K., Chen X.J., Heldal, T.O., Gold, C. (2011). Music therapy for people with schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like disorders. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD004025. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004025.pub3.

Mössler, K., Fuchs, K., Heldal, T. O., Karterud, I. M., Kenner, J., Næsheim, S., & Gold, C. (2011). The clinical application and relevance of resource-oriented principles in music therapy with psychiatric clients. British Journal of Music Therapy 25(1), 72-91.

Mössler, K. (2010). “I am a psychotherapeutically oriented music therapist.” Theory construction and its influence on professional identity formation under the example of the Viennese School of Music Therapy. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy. First published on: 18 May 2010 (iFirst). doi:10.1080/08098131003768115.

Mössler, K. (2008). Update on Music Therapy in Austria: Celebrating an officially recognised profession. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy. Retrieved October 29, 108, from http://www.voices.no/country/monthaustria_october2008.php

Mössler, K. (2004). Beziehungsaufbau mit minimally responsive Patienten: Musiktherapie in der Frührehabilitation mit Kindern [Building up a relationship with minimally responsive patients. Music therapy in early rehabilitation with children]. Musiktherapeutische Umschau 25(2), 115-125.

Articles in non-peer reviewed journals

Mössler, K., & Gold, C. (2009). Effektforschung. Zur Wirkung der Musiktherapie bei Depressionen [Outcome research. Effects of music therapy in depression]. Musik und Gesundsein 17, 15-17.

Mössler, K. (2009). Musiktherapie 50 plus – ein halbes Jahrhundert Musiktherapie in Österreich [Music therapy turns 50 – half a century of music therapy in Austria]. Sonic Pages Vienna 1(VIII), 22-25.

Mössler, K. (2002). The building up of a relationship with minimally responsive patients: music therapy in early rehabilitation with children. In Lagler M., Mössler K., & Oberegelsbacher D. (Eds.). Collected Handouts. Symposium Music Therapy at the 3rd World Congress for Psychotherapy in Vienna, July 14th-18th 2002 (pp. 1-4), Vienna: Wiener Institut für Musiktherapie.

Mössler, K. (2002). Musiktherapie in der Frührehabilitation mit Kindern. [Music Therapy in Early Rehabilitation with Children]. ÖBM Mitteilungsblatt 1, 8-16.


Books and book chapters

Mössler, K. (2014). Die Wiener Musiktherapie – ein lauschendes Begegnen [Viennes Music Therapy – a moving encounter] . In T. Stegemann & E. Fitzthum (Hrsg.), Festschrift 55 Jahre Musiktherapie-Ausbildung an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien.

Mössler, K. (2014). Spezifische und unspezifische Wirkfaktoren in der Musiktherapie [Specific and common factors in music therapy]. In T. Stegemann & E. Fitzthum (Hrsg.),  Wiener Ringvorlesung Musiktherapie: Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder der Musiktherapie - ein Kurzlehrbuch (pp. 97-109). Wien: Praesens Verlag.

Mössler, K. (2011). Mixed methods Forschung am Beispiel musiktherapeutischer Forschungsarbeiten [Mixed methods research on the example of research studies in music therapy]. In J. Illner, & M. Smetana (Eds.), Wiener Beiträge zur Musiktherapie (Vol. 9) (p 153-160), Vienna: Edition Praesens.

Mössler, K. (2011). Historische Reflexionen musiktherapeutischer Techniken der Wiener Schule der Musiktherapie [Historical reflections of music therapeutic techniques of the Viennese School of Music Therapy]. In J. Illner, & M. Smetana (Eds.), Wiener Beiträge zur Musiktherapie (Vol. 9) (p 79-91), Vienna: Edition Praesens.

Mössler, K. (2008). Wiener Schule der Musiktherapie. Von den Pionieren zur Dritten Generation (1957 bis heute) [Viennese School of Music Therapy. From the pioneers to the third generation (1957 til nowadays)]. Vienna: Edition Praesens.

Mössler, K. (2005). Beziehungsaufbau mit minimally responsive Patienten. Musiktherapie in der Frührehabilitation mit Kindern [Building up a relationship with minimally responsive patients. Music therapy in early rehabilitation with children]. In M. Smetana, S. Heinze, & K. Mössler (Eds.), Stille-Sterben-Erwachen. Musiktherapie im Grenzbereich menschlicher Existenz (pp. 211-302), Vienna: Edition Praesens.



Mössler, K. (2007). Wiener Schule der Musiktherapie. Auf den Spuren einer Identität [Viennese School of Music Therapy. On the traces of an identity]. Doctoral thesis.



Papers presented at international and national conferences

Mössler, K., Schmid, W., Schumacher, K., Calvet, C., Reimer, S., Bergmann, T., Gold, C. (2017, March). Beziehung als Wirkfaktor in der musiktherapeutischen Arbeit mit Kindern mit ASS. Poster presented at the 10th Meeting for Autism Spectrum Conditions. Berlin, Germany.

Mössler, K., Schmid, W. (2016, September). What's this adorable noise? Relational qualities in music therapy with children with autism spectrum disorder. Poster presented at the Autism Europe Conference. Edinburgh, UK.  

Gattino, G., Elefant, C., Geretsegger, M., Mössler, K., Suvini, F., Odell-Miller, H., Watts, G. (2016, July). The good, bad and ugly: joys and challenges of being involved in international research with children with autism. Paper presented at the 10th European Music Therapy Conference. Vienna, Austria.

Mössler, K., Schmid, W. (2016, July). What's this adorable noise? Relational qualities in music therapy with children with autism spectrum disorder. Paper presented at the 10th European Music Therapy Conference. Vienna, Austria.  

Schmid, W., Mössler, K. (2015, March). Shared Moments: The quality of the therapeutic relationship as outcome predictor in improvisational music therapy with children with autism – an embodied perspective. Paper presented at the 18th Herbstakademie. Heidelberg, Germany.

Geretsegger, M., Mössler, K., Elefant, C., Gold, C. (2013, September). Music therapy may promote relational skills in children with ASD – evidence from an updated Cochrane Review. Paper presented at the 10th Autism-Europe International Congress. Budapest, Hungary.

Mössler, K., Schmid, W., Reimer, S., Geretsegger, M., Schumacher, K. (2013, September). Shared Moments.  The relationship as otucome predictor in music therapy with children with ASD. Paper presented at the 10th Autism Europe International Congress. Budapest, Hungary.

Fuchs, K., Mössler, K. (2013, August). What do we address - what can we measure? Evaluation of music therapy proesses in mental health care. Paper presented at the 9th European Music Therapy Congress. Oslo, Norway.

Carpente, J., Elefant, C., Gattino, G., Geretsegger, M., Gold, C., Gottfried, T., Kim, J., Mössler, K., Suvini, F., Thompson, G. (2013, August). TIME-A: Investigating improvisational music therapy for children with autism spectrum disorders. Paper presented at the 9th European Music Therapy Congress. Oslo, Norway.

Mössler, K. (2013, August). About being pragmatic. Experiences from international multicenter trials. Paper presented at the 9th European Music Therapy Congress. Oslo, Norway.

Mössler, K., Reimer, S. (2013, August). Shared moments. The quality of the relationship as outcome predictor in music therapy with children with autism spectrum disorders. Paper presented at the 9th European Music Therapy Conference. Oslo, Norway.

Mössler, K. (2012, November). Outcome research in music therapy. Paper presented at Jornada de musicoterapia. Barcelona, Spain.

Mössler, K., Burić Sarapa, K., Fekete, A., Radulović, R., & Loti Knoll, Š. (2011, May). Neighbourhood Conference. Possibilities of neighbourly help between Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, and Slovenia. Paper presented at the EMTC Conference Day, Vienna, Austria.

Gold, C., Mössler, K., & Heldal, T.O. (2011, May). Debatt: Er kvantitativ forskning relevant for musikkterapi? [Debate: Is quantitative research relevant for music therapy?]. Paper presented at the 3rd Norwegian Music Therapy Conference, Bergen, Norway

Mössler, K. (2011, May). What about music therapeutic techniques? The use and impact of techniques in music therapy with patients in mental health care showing a lacking therapy motivation. Paper presented at the 3rd Norwegian Music Therapy Conference, Bergen, Norway

Mössler, K. (2011, January). ”I would like to do something with music”. Effects of resource-oriented music therapy on negative symptoms in psychiatric patients with a low therapy motivation. Paper presented at the conference “Forskning nytter”, Oslo, Norway.

Mössler, K. (2010, November). Outcome predictors in music therapy. Investigation of music therapeutic techniques within a population of psychiatric clients with a low therapy motivation. Paper presented at Holbergdagene “Musikkens Virkning”, Bergen, Norway.

Mössler, K., & Gold, C. (2010, Juni). Music therapy research in mental health care. New evidence about effects and mechanisms of change in music therapy with psychiatric patients. Paper presented at the 15th EPA Symposium for the Section Epidemiology and Social Psychiatry, Bergen, Norway.

Mössler, K. (2010, May). Mechanisms of change in music therapy. Paper presented at the 8th European Music Therapy Congress, Cadiz, Spain.

Fitzthum, E., & Mössler, K. (2010, May). From the Fin de siècle until nowadays. Music therapeutic theory construction in Vienna. Paper presented at the 8th European Music Therapy Congress, Cadiz, Spain.

Mössler, K. (2010, April). Mixed method research. Am Beispiel ausgewählter Musiktherapiestudien. [On the example of selected music therapy studies]. Paper presented at Module III of the Viennese Institute of Music Therapy, Vienna, Austria.

Mössler, K. (2009, October). Historische Reflexionen musiktherapeutischer Techniken der Wiener Schule der Musiktherapie. [Historical reflexions on music therapeutic techniques of the Viennese School of Music Therapy]. Paper presented at the Module II of the Viennese Institute of Music Therapy, Vienna, Austria.

Gold, C., Mössler, K., Fuchs, K., Heldal, T. O., Karterud, I. M., & Næsheim, S. (2009, May). Was ist eigentlich Ressourcenorientierung in der Musiktherapie? Erfahrungen aus einer internationalen Multicenterstudie im Bereich der Psychiatrie [What, actually, is resource orientation in music therapy? Experiences from an international multicentre study in the field of psychiatry]. Paper presented at the Conference Day of the European Music Therapy Confederation, Vienna, Austria.

Mössler, K. (2009, March). Randomisiert, kontrolliert,... schon kapiert? Wissenswertes über randomisierte Studien am Beispiel einer musiktherapeutischen Wirkstudie. [Things to know about randomised controlled trials using the example of an effect study in music therapy]. Paper presented at the ÖBM Jour fixe, Vienna, Austria.

Mössler, K. (2008, October). Music Therapy Practice and Research in Acute Psychiatric Reality. "Resource-oriented music therapy for patients with low therapy motivation. A randomised controlled trial.” Paper presented at the 23rd Danube Symposion of Psychiatry, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mössler, K. (2008, October). Music Therapy Practice and Research. Workshop presented at the 23rd Danube Symposion of Psychiatry, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mössler, K. (2003, May). Beziehungsaufbau mit minimally responsive Patienten. Musiktherapie in der Frührehabilitation mit Kindern. [The Building up of a Relationship with Minimally Responsive Patients. Music Therapy in Early Rehabilitation with Children]. Paper presented at the Jour fixe of the Austrian Society of Music Therapists. Vienna, Austria.

Mössler, K. (2003, February). Beziehungsaufbau mit minimally responsive Patienten. Musiktherapie in der Frührehabilitation mit Kindern. [The Building up of a Relationship with Minimally Responsive Patients. Music Therapy in Early Rehabilitation with Children]. Paper presented at the 15th Ulmer Workshop on Music Therapy Basic Research, Ulm, Germany.

Mössler, K. (2002, July). Beziehungsaufbau mit minimally responsive Patienten. Musiktherapie in der Frührehabilitation mit Kindern. [The Building up of a Relationship with Minimally Responsive Patients. Music Therapy in Early Rehabilitation with Children]. Paper presented at the Music Therapy Symposium at the 3rd World Congress for Psychotherapy, Vienna, Austria.


Papers and seminars presented at Universities, Hospitals, etc.

Mössler, K. (Desember, 2011). Specific and unspecific factors in music therapy. University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna.

Gold, C., Rolvsjord, R., & Mössler, K. (January, 2011). Presentasjon av resultat av prosjektet "Resource-oriented music therapy for psychiatric patients with low therapy motivation: randomised controlled trial". Paper presented at Nordfjord Psykiatrisenter, Nordfjordeid, Norway.

Mössler, K., & Heldal, T.O (2011, January). Arbeidsformer i musikkterapi [Working modes in music therapy]. Paper presented at Nordfjord Psykiatrisenter, Nordfjordeid, Norway.

Mössler, K. (2010, October). Was, wie, warum? Vom Studiendesign zur Musiktherapie – von der Musiktherapie zu den Daten. [What, how, and why? From study design to music therapy – from music therapy to the data]. Paper presented at the 2nd Music Therapy Afternoon, Psychiatric Clinic Wagner-Jauregg, Linz, Austria.

Mössler, K. (2010, August). Do music therapeutic techniques predict changes in outcomes. Preliminary findings of an exploratory study with psychiatric clients. Paper presented at the Uni Helse Samlingen 2010, Solstrand, Norway.

Mössler, K. (2010, February). Why do some patients benefit more from music therapy than others? A mixed-methods study in Linz, Austria. Paper presented at the Fagleg-Pedagogisk Dag 2010, Bergen, Norway.

Gold, C., Rolvsjord, R., & Mössler, K. (2010, February). The RCT-MTPSY study: A multicentre RCT on the effects of music therapy in psychiatry. Paper presented at the University Hospital, Stavanger, Norway.

Mössler, K., & Grocke, D. (2010, February). International Perspectives on the RCT-MTPSY study. Paper presented at the Universtiy Hospital, Stavanger, Norway.

Mössler, K., Fuchs, K., Heldal, T. O., Karterud, I. M., Næsheim, S., & Gold, C. (2009, May). Forschung in der Musiktherapie. Evidence Based Medicine im klinischen Alltag. [Research in Music Therapy. Evidence based medicine within clinical settings]. Paper presented at the Wagner-Jauregg Clinic, Linz, Austria.

Mössler, K. (2009, February). Music Therapeutic Experiences in Mental Health Care. Clinical Practice and Research. Music Therapy Seminar, DPS Volda, Norway.

Mössler, K. (2008, October). 50 Jahre Musiktherapie. Wiener Schule der Musiktherapie – Von den Pionieren zur Dritten Generation (1957 bis heute) [50 Years of Music Therapy. Viennese School of Music Therapy – From the Pioneers to the Third Generation (1957 til nowadays)]. Book presentation at the University of Music and Performing Arts. Vienna.

Mössler, K. (2008, September). Music Therapy Practice and Research in Acute Psychiatric Setting. Musikkterapi i psykiatri - et seminar om hva klinisk praksis og effektforskning har å si til hverandre? Paper presented at the Grieg Academy, Institute for Music.





Systematic Reviews

Cochrane Reviews in the field of music therapy in mental health care


Resource-oriented music therapy for psychiatric patients with a low therapy motivation.

Related projects of Karin Mössler: Multiple studies in the field of process-outcome research

  • Clinical application and relevance of resource-oriented principles
  • Music therapeutic techniques as outcome predictors in music therapy
  • Therapy goals and related outcome measures in music therapy

Viennese Institute of Music Therapy

Advanced training course in psychotherapeutically oriented music therapy (www.wim-musiktherapie.at)


Music therapy in mental health care

Music therapy in neurological rehabilitation

Theory construction in music therapy

History of music therapy

Psychotherapeutically oriented music therapy

Mixed method research

Process-outcome research