Maria Vollsæters bilde

Maria Vollsæter

  • E-postmaria.vollseter@uib.no
  • Besøksadresse
    Haukeland universitetssykehus, Laboratoriebygget
    5009 Bergen
  • Postadresse
    Postboks 7804
    5020 Bergen
Vitenskapelig artikkel
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2024). Motor abilities in adults born with very low birthweight: A study of two birth cohorts from Finland and Norway. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2024). Mechanically assisted cough strategies: user perspectives and cough flows in children with neurodisability. European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research).
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2024). Health-related quality of life in two birth cohorts of extremely preterm born adults. Acta Paediatrica. 10 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2024). Expiratory airflow limitation in adults born extremely preterm: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2023). User-perceived impact of long-term mechanical assisted cough in paediatric neurodisability. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 655-663.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2023). Use of inhaled ipratropium bromide to improve exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction cannot be recommended. European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research). 9 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2023). Translaryngeal Resistance: A Measurement to Assist Decision Making in Upper Airway Pathology. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. E32-E34.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2023). Prevalence and impact of exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction in asthma: a study protocol for a cross-sectional and longitudinal study. BMJ Open. 8 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2023). Myocardial function including estimates of myocardial work in young adults born very preterm or with extremely low birthweight - a cohort study. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. 13 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2023). Diagnosis of vocal cord dysfunction/inducible laryngeal obstruction: an International Delphi Consensus Study. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Tracking of lung function from 10 to 35 years after being born extremely preterm or with extremely low birth weight. Thorax. 790-798.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Symptoms and antecedents of autism in children born extremely premature: a national population-based study. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 1-18.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Reliability of translaryngeal airway resistance measurements during maximal exercise. European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research). 1-9.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Long-term follow-up of self-reported mental health and health-related quality of life in adults born extremely preterm. Early Human Development. 8 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Left vocal cord paralysis, lung function and exercise capacity in young adults born extremely preterm with a history of neonatal patent ductus arteriosus surgery—A national cohort study. Frontiers in pediatrics. 13 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Is it feasible to perform a continuous laryngoscopy exercise test with a cold air inhalate? A case report. European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research).
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Exercise-induced Laryngeal Obstruction: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Treatment Trial. Frontiers in pediatrics.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Development of health-related quality of life and subjective health complaints in adults born extremely preterm: a longitudinal cohort study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 1-11.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Conundrums in the breathless athlete; exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction or asthma? Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 1041-1049.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Adjustments of non-invasive ventilation and mechanically assisted cough by combining ultrasound imaging of the larynx with transnasal fibre-optic laryngoscopy: A protocol for an experimental study. BMJ Open. 1-7.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Vascular endothelial function assessed by flow-mediated vasodilatation in young adults born very preterm or with extremely low birthweight: A regional cohort study. Frontiers in pediatrics. 1-13.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Tailoring NIV by dynamic laryngoscopy in a child with spinal muscular atrophy type I. Clinical Case Reports. 1-4.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Self-Reported Health in Adolescents With Exercise-Induced Laryngeal Obstruction; A Cross-Sectional Study. Frontiers in pediatrics. 1-7.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Reliability of maximum oxygen uptake in cardiopulmonary exercise testing with continuous laryngoscopy. European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research). 1-9.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Prevalence of long-term mechanical insufflation-exsufflation in children with neurological conditions: a population-based study. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 537-544.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Maternal education and cognitive development in 15 European very-preterm birth cohorts from the RECAP Preterm platform. International Journal of Epidemiology.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Inducible laryngeal obstruction in asthma. European Respiratory Journal.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Early life growth and associations with lung function and bronchial hyperresponsiveness at 11-years of age. Respiratory Medicine. 1-8.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Development of lung diffusion to adulthood following extremely preterm birth. European Respiratory Journal.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Clinical responses following inspiratory muscle training in exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 12 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Breathing patterns in people with exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction. Physiological Reports. 1-10.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2020). Voice and Exercise Related Respiratory Symptoms in Extremely Preterm Born Children After Neonatal Patent Ductus Arteriosus. Frontiers in pediatrics. 10 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2020). Predicting physical activity in a national cohort of children born extremely preterm. Early Human Development. 1-8.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Severe exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction treated with supraglottoplasty. Frontiers in surgery. 1-9.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Physiotherapy improves symptoms of exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction in young elite athletes: A case series. BMJ Open sport & exercise medicine. 9 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Larynx: The Complex Gateway to the Lungs. Respiratory care.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Feasibility and tolerability of measuring translaryngeal pressure during exercise. The Laryngoscope. 2748-2753.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Expiratory airflow in late adolescence and early adulthood in individuals born very preterm or with very low birthweight compared with controls born at term or with normal birthweight: a meta-analysis of individual participant data. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 677-686.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction in athletes treated with inspiratory muscle training. BMJ Open sport & exercise medicine. 1-8.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Comparison of physical activity and body composition in a cohort of children born extremely preterm or with extremely low birth weight to matched term-born controls: a follow-up study. BMJ Paediatrics Open. 1-11.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). The Heterogeneity of Exercise-induced Laryngeal Obstruction. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 1068-1069.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). Respiratory morbidity through the first decade of life in a national cohort of children born extremely preterm. BMC Pediatrics. 1-13.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). Renal function and blood pressure in 11 year old children born extremely preterm or small for gestational age. PLOS ONE. 1-11.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). Laryngeal responses to mechanically assisted cough in progressing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Respiratory care. 538-549.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2017). Mid-childhood outcomes after pre-viable preterm premature rupture of membranes. Journal of Perinatology. 1053-1059.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). Laryngeal response patterns influence the efficacy of mechanical assisted cough in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Thorax. 221-229.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). Increased bronchial hyperresponsiveness and higher asymmetric dimethylarginine levels after fetal growth restriction. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 83-89.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). Exercise inducible laryngeal obstruction: diagnostics and management. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews. 86-94.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Children born preterm at the turn of the millennium had better lung function than children born similarly preterm in the early 1990s. PLOS ONE. 17 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Adult respiratory outcomes of extreme preterm birth. A regional cohort study. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 313-322.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Adolescents who were born extremely preterm demonstrate modest decreases in exercise capacity. Acta Paediatrica. 1174-1181.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Exercise capacity after extremely preterm birth: Development from adolescence to adulthood. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 537-545.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Lung function after preterm birth: development from mid-childhood to adulthood. Thorax. 767-776.
Vitenskapelig foredrag
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2023). Physical activity in adults born preterm with very low birth weight and mediation by motor abilities.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Respiratory- and voice symptoms among extremely preterm born children with prolonged ventilator dependency. A Norwegian national cohort study. .
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). Symptoms of vocal cord paresis among children born extremely premature with- or without a PDA ligation. .
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). Is continuous laryngoscopy during cardiopulmonary exercise testing reliable for measuring maximum oxygen uptake?
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Go With the Flow: Are We Cracking the Code? Respiratory Management of Bulbar ALS Is Evolving. Respiratory care. 1363-1365.
Short communication
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). From bedside to bench - In vivo and in vitro evaluation of mechanically assisted cough treatment in a patient with bulbar Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Respiratory Medicine Case Reports. 1-4.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Alvorlig kronisk syke barn må følges bedre opp! Dagens medisin.
Brev til redaktøren
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2023). Impaired Lung Function in Extremely Preterm-Born Adults in Their Fourth Decade of Life. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 493-495.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Is it feasible to perform a continuous laryngoscopy exercise test with a cold air inhalate? A case report. European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research).
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). Laryngoscopy Can Be a Valuable Tool for Unexpected Therapeutic Response in Noninvasive Respiratory Interventions. Respiratory care. 1459-1461.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). Laryngeal response patterns during mechanically assisted cough in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). Long-term Respiratory Outcomes of Extreme Preterm Birth. A regional cohort study.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2020). Conundrums of exercise-related breathing problems. Epiglottic, laryngeal, or bronchial obstruction? American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. e142-e143.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). Ventilatory efficiency in children and adolescents born extremely preterm. European Respiratory Journal.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2023). Strupens responser under non-invasiv ventilasjonsstøtte hos friske frivillige.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2020). Prevalence and consequences of left vocal cord paralysis in young adults born extremely premature with a history of neonatal patent ductus arteriosus surgery.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). Respiratory morbidity in extremely premature born children and later physical Activity. .
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Measurement of vital capacity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – forced and slowly performed.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Lung function and respiratory muscle strength in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Laryngeal response patterns to mechanical insufflation-exsufflation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Laryngeal response patterns to mechanical assisted cough in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Hvordan reagerer strupen ved bruk av hostemaskin hos personer med amyotrofisk lateral sklerose?
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Better respiratory outcomes for extremely preterm born children.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Spirometry- a tool for diagnosing exercise induced laryngeal obstruction (EILO)?
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Exercise induced laryngeal obstruction(EILO)diagnosed with laryngoscopy during rest or during exercise?
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Exercise induced inspiratory symptoms.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Exercise induced inspiratory stridor (EIIS) in athletes.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Exercise Induced Inspiratory Stridor (EIIS) - A growing Challenge during Physical activity.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Alveolar nitric oxide(NO)in children born extremely preterm (EP).
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Correction to: Symptoms and antecedents of autism in children born extremely premature: a national population-based study (European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, (2022), 10.1007/s00787-022-01953-4). European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2024). When art meets medicine: Use of flexible laryngoscopy in development of singers’ voices - A Scoping Review. Journal of Voice. 8 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2023). Unravelling the respiratory health path across the lifespan for survivors of preterm birth. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Exercise related respiratory problems in the young—Is it exercise-induced bronchoconstriction or laryngeal obstruction? Frontiers in pediatrics. 7 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2022). Exercise Training in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 13 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Upper Airway Assessment and Responses During Mechanically Assisted Cough. Respiratory care. 1196-1213.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Exercise induced laryngeal obstructions in humans and equines. A comparative review . Frontiers in Physiology. 1-10.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). Bronchial hyper-responsiveness after preterm birth. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews. 34-40.

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