Program for universitetspedagogikk

AVLYST UiB 2020 læringskonferanse med Stephen Brookfield

Velkommen til UiB sin fjerde årlige læringskonferanse – en dagskonferanse om hvordan vi kan forbedre undervisning og læring ved universitetet. Konferansen er for alle som er interessert i undervisning og læring i høyere utdanning og vi ønsker spesielt vitenskapelig ansatte velkommen.

Bilde av Stephen Brookfield
Kim Miller


Denne konferansen vil bli flyttet til høsten 2020


UiB 2020 læringskonferanse med Stephen Brookfield

Tid:  Thursday, 16 April 2020, 08:30 - 16:00
Sted: Universitetsaulaen

Plan for dagen / Schedule

8:30     Registrering, kaffe & skillingsboller / Registration, coffee & skillingsboller

9:00     Keynote Address: 

Stephen Brookfield

Practicing reflectively involves us viewing our actions – and the assumptions that inform these – through four complementary lenses. What makes this critical is the effort to uncover the power dynamics at play in our practice and the process of uncovering and challenging hegemonic assumptions.  In this session Stephen Brookfield will draw on his book BECOMING A CRITICALLY REFLECTIVE TEACHER to explore the four lenses of critical reflection - our students’ eyes, our colleagues’ perceptions, the lens of theory, and our autobiographical experiences.  He will explore how teachers experience the process of becoming critically reflective and draw on autobiographical examples from his own practice.

10:30   Pause /Break

10:45   Parallellsesjoner / Concurrent Sessions

Vil bli annonsert / To be announced

12:00   Lunsj / Presentasjon av SoTL prosjekter

Presentasjon av gode eksempler på utviklingsarbeid gjort av undervisere ved UiB

Diverse deltakere, (titler kommer senere)

13:00   Plenary Workshop

Stephen Brookfield

Critical thinking involves students (and teachers) being able to identify and research the assumptions that frame how they think and act.  Only if these assumptions are accurate and valid can we trust them as guides for thought and action.  It also entails us being able to step out of our mental freameworks and view things from different perspectives. Studies of how critical thinking is learned show that it is an incremental process in which students over time learn to bring critical processes to bear directly on their own thinking. It needs explicit modeling of the process by teachers and teachers need constantly to study how critical thinking is learned and practiced by students. In this interactive workshop Stephen Brookfield will model critical thinking about critical thinking (!) and will introduce a number of classroom activities that can actively engage students in learning how to think critically.

16:00   Slutt / Adjourn