European Perceptions of Climate Change: A Representative Survey in UK, Norway, France and Germany
How worried about climate change are people in the UK, Germany, France and Norway and how do they view its impacts? When, if at all, do they expect to feel the impacts of climate change in their country: now or in 50 years? Do people perceive a strong scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change? Do these Europeans support a shift towards cleaner forms of energy, and what political strategies for addressing climate change do they also support?
These and other questions were addressed in a survey among nationally representative samples of over 4,000 members of the public in the UK, Norway, France, and Germany. These four counties are central to climate policy and the efforts in Europe to construct a low carbon energy system of the future.
The study was co-ordinated by Cardiff University (project leader: professor Nick Pidgeon, School of Psychology) in collaboration with the University of Stuttgart in Germany, Institut Symlog in France, the University of Bergen and the Rokkan Centre in Norway, and Climate Outreach in the UK.
The research was funded primarily by the national research councils of the four participating countries under the JPI-Climate programme, with fieldwork undertaken in all four countries during June 2016 by Ipsos MORI.
Online Resources:
The video recording of a meeting that took place on 8th March 2017 at the Royal Society in London. The survey results were presented (speaker: Prof. Nick Pidgeon), followed by a panel debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct12LY54bGY
The program of the March 8 meeting (see attachement "Program March 8 Meeting" below)
A one-page summary of the survey results (see attachment "One-page summary of survey results" below)
The survey report with key findings: http://orca.cf.ac.uk/98660/7/EPCC.pdf
A report on the socio-political context concerning climate change and energy in each of the four countries (e.g., media, policies, historical events, traditions, infrastructure): http://climateoutreach.org/resources/european-perceptions/
Recommendations for public engagement: http://climateoutreach.org/resources/european-perceptions-results/