Current Projects
An overview of current research projects at SIPA
Junior-researcher: A Youth Participatory Action Project (YPAR)
Principal Investigator: Ingrid Holsen
‘Junior-researcher’ is an empowering program promoting youth voices and a positive psychosocial learning climate in schools. Concretely, Junior-researcher aims at providing youth with skills into conducting research and presenting findings that provide insight into issues experienced by young people themselves. The project is developed based on an YPAR project at the University of California, Berkeley, and later modified and developed further by Reidun Braut Kjosås, Anita Finne (Kvam herad), Ingrid Holsen (University of Bergen) and teachers and pupils at junior high schools. A pilot using a mixed method design will be conducted in six 9th grade classes during fall 2020. Website:
CO-CREATE: Confronting obesity: Co-creating policy with youth
Work package leader: Professor Oddrun Samdal
The CO-CREATE study aims to prevent overweight and obesity in adolescents by providing knowledge and infrastructure on policies to support making the healthiest choices the preferred ones. A consortium of 14 international research and advocacy organisations will work togehter with youth in order to adress the aims. The project is lead by Norwegian Institute of Public Health. HEMIL-senteret is responsible for one of the work packages. Link to web page
HBSC project: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children
Principal Investigator: Professor Oddrun Samdal
Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) is a cross-national research study conducted in collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The study aims to gain new insight into, and increase our understanding of young people's health and well-being, health behaviours and their social context. HBSC was initiated in 1982 by researchers from three countries, and Norway was one of them. There are now 41 participating countries and regions.
The Research Centre for Health Promotion at the University of Bergen is responsible for the Norwegian study. Since 1983 data have been collected every four years among 11, 13 and 15 year olds and since 1994 also among 16 year olds. The most recent survey was conducted in 2005 and addressed adolescents' health behaviours, health perceptions, leisure time activities and school perceptions. More information on the international HBSC study, including reference to international reports from each survey and a list of all publications, can be found at:
The Norwegian Longitudinal Health Behaviour study (NLHBS)
Principal Investigator: Professor Bente Wold
The main aims of the study are to examine tracking of health behaviours and subjective health during the life period from 13 to 40, and to analyse how social influence processes during adolescence may predict subjective health and lifestyle in adulthood.
This unique study started in 1990 among approximately 900 thirteen-year-olds and their parents in Hordaland county. Surveys among the adolescents have been conducted 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2007 and 2017. Parents have participated in 1990, 1993 and 1996.
The Positive Youth Development cross-national project
Principal Investigator: Nora Wiium
The Positive Youth Development cross-national project seeks to examine the extent to which developmental assets are available and accessible to the youth and emerging adults in different national contexts, and how these assets in turn relate to thriving and positive outcomes such as the “5Cs” of PYD (i.e., Confidence, Competence, Character, Caring and Connection), and subsequently, to young people’s contribution to the development of self and the society they are part of.