Tor Sørevik (MI, UiB) - Some research challenges for Photovoltaic Solar Energy - A collaboration with KNUST in Ghana
On the 12th of September, Tor Sørevik from the Department of Mathematics held a presentation in Bergen Energy Lab. He talked about research challenges within the field of Photovoltaic Solar Energy, and his collaborations with Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST) in Ghana.

The project on Solar Energy at the Department of Mathematics started from scratch in 2016 and was funded by a small travel grant from UiB/BKK. It consists currently of 10 people; one professor (Tor) and four master students from the University of Bergen, plus one professor and four master students from KNUST.
Until now they have focused on getting up to date on state-of-art research on solar photovoltaics, and to identify where the Department of Mathematics at UiB can contribute. Three research challenges have been pointed out, including:
- How to produce more efficient solar panels cheaper?
- How to arrange a farm of solar panels for a large electricity plant?
- How to incorporate PV-generated electricity into the grid?
These are all highly relevant issues for Solar PV, which Tor Sørevik and his colleagues will seek to answer using sophisticated mathematical computation tools. It will be very interesting to follow the development of this project!
Read more in Tor’s presentation below.