


Kenneth Hugdahl holder en avstøpning av sin egen hjerne

Contact us

Phone: +47 55 58 62 77

E-mail: hugdahl@uib.no 

Address:Jonas Lies vei 91 5009 Bergen

Department of biological and medical Psychology, 8th and 9th floor BBB

The ERC research group is funded from the European Research Council (ERC) via an Advanced Grant, awarded to Kenneth Hugdahl in 2016. The purpose of the research is to understand what is happening in the brain during auditory hallucinations, and to provide new important knowledge to understand how the hallucinations occur while using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), which is a method of measuring blood flow in the brain. Such knowledge may contribute to the development of new drug therapies in the future. The ERC group cooperates with the Department of Psychological Health, Haukeland University Hospital. Another focus is to identify neurobiological markers of fluctuations in hallucinatory experience, using new app-based techniques, as well as a multimodal approach to MR recording.