The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration: 30 years celebration seminar
Susanne Bygnes was invited to be part of a panel discussion at UDI, the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration, at a seminar to mark their 30 years of immigration work.

UDI has, through 30 years, worked on implementing the immigration- and refugee policies of the government. To mark this anniversary, they invited several interesting people to discuss important issues in the field of immigration at a seminar in Oslo, April 16th.
Principal investigator at IMEX, Susanne Bygnes, was part of a panel discussion on what reactions immigrants get from the inhabitants already there. Other participants in this discussion was Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud from Institute for Social Research, and Simen Ekern, journalist and author.
There were also other talks and panels that day. If you wish to see the entire seminar, or just Bygnes' talk, you can find a video from the seminar here.