ERANet-funded research visit to University of Exeter
Researcher Antonio Garcia-Moyano made a research visit to the Centre for Biocatalysis at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom, hosted by Professor Jennifer Littlechild. Prof. Littlechild leads a group of experts in biochemistry and structural biology.

The 10-day research visit framed under the ERANet-funded TIPs project, focussed on the search for thermostable isomerases with potential in industrial biotechnology.The research visit aimed to purify and set for crystallization trials some of the thermophilic disulphide isomerase candidates that antonio and collaborators have been working on for the last year. Successful protein crystals will be then subjected to X-ray diffraction and their diffraction pattern used for resolving the protein structure. Antonio was later joined by Prof. Nils-Kåre Birkeland for scientific and managerial discussions with some time to socialize.