Model-based Knowledge Dissemination
System Dynamics models can be used to study social problems, write research articles, and give presentations for clients. Models can also be used to educate people and to motivate them to deal with social problems.

For this purpose, we use system dynamics methodology to develop interactive learning environments. See the examples below:
A simple introduction to climate change knowledge and policy making
This learning environment is created with Stella Architect, which is the program that we use in the master program in System Dynamics.
The EN-ROADS Climate Solutions simulator
En-ROADS is an online simulator that provides policymakers, educators, businesses, the media, and the public with the ability to test and explore cross-sector climate solutions.

CDC - PRISM: Prevention Impacts Simulation Model
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US developed a system dynamics model to provide public health leaders to simulate possible scenarios for public health policies and gather insights of their possible outcomes to help in their decision-making processes. Through the dashboard of the model, you can test your own scenarios and see the results.
Interactive learning environments created by students
Through the System Dynamics Programme at the University of Bergen, students create their own interactive learning environments. For the examples of the learning environments created by students in the course GEO-SD309, please see this link: Student projects