Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste og forskningsgruppe for multippel sklerose


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Background and vision

Coming soon.

Ongoing projects

Copyrequest – Questionnaire on physical rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis (multicenter study)

Organized by RIMS; Rehabilitation in MS – European network for best practice and research (www.eurims.org).

The objective is to monitor how physiotherapists treat patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), how they understand and assess their work and what they want to achieve in their work. An online cross-sectional survey of 212 MS physical therapists from 26 European countries have answered on questions related to aspects of physical therapy content and delivery in MS and its determinants.

Data collection is completed, and papers published. In addition, a new paper is in process regarding Content and delivery of physical therapy in multiple sclerosis across Europe.

Please contact (local): Tori Smedal, Norwegian Multiple Sclerosis Competence centre and Dept. of physiotherapy, Haukeland University Hospital
E-mail: tori.smedal@helse-bergen.no.

Development of an application for choice of rehabilitation (an innovation project)

The objective is to develop a generic tool that facilitate choice of rehabilitation based on each individual patient`s needs. Based on information from rehabilitation centers within the specialist health services and specified needs of each individual, patients and health care professionals will get an indication on which center(s) offers the best tailored rehabilitation.

The project is organized as a collaboration between Norwegian Multiple Sclerosis Competence Centre and Western Norway University of Applied Science, Department of Computing, Mathematics and Physics, and a master student from the university did his master on this application in May 2019. We continue with further development and work on how to deploy the tool.

Contact information: Tori Smedal and Anne Britt R. Skår, Norwegian Multiple Sclerosis Competence Centre, Haukeland University Hospital: tori.smedal@helse-bergen.no<mailto:tori.smedal@helse-bergen.no> , anne.skar@helse-bergen.no<mailto:anne.skar@helse-bergen.no>

André Dyrstad, Western Norway University of Applied Science, Department of Computing, Mathematics and Physics: dyrstad.a@gmail.com<mailto:dyrstad.a@gmail.com>