Apinya Singkhala - Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology
Ms. Apinya Singkhala defended her PhD thesis, tilted Metagenomics and Isolation of Thermophilic Cellulase - producing Bacteria from Thermophilic High Solid Digestion Condition at the Department of Biology, Thaksin University in Thailand in May 2018. Congratulations!

Apinya Singkhala
Nils-Kåre Birkeland
Oppdatert: 19.06.2019 (Først publisert: 18.06.2019)
Apinya has been a visiting PhD student in the Extremophiles and Biotechnology group for 11 months with funding from the Thai Research Fund to work on thermophiles and enzymes with the aim to improve processes for production of biofuels from agricultural waste products. The advisory committee members were : Asst. Prof. Dr. Sompong O- Thong, (Supervisor) Asst. Prof. Dr. Chaisit Niyasom and Prof. Dr. Nils-Kåre Birkeland (Co- Supervisor).