Selmersenteret for sikker kommunikasjon


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The Selmer Center provides an informal venue for bachelor, master students in the security field to get more involved in our scientific and social activities.

The committee will arrange a series of activities that help students develop their education and career paths. We will invite our former master students, PhDs and collaborators/partners from the industry to share their knowledge, experience, hard and happy moments in their research and career. Our goal is to plan both fun and rewarding activities for students. Therefore, we highly welcome and appreciate feedback, suggestions, and contributions from students!

Currently, we plan to arrange one activity each semester. If you're interested, we appreciate that you can register before the deadline for each activity (for helping us prepare the right amount of material and food).

CryptoAften 1 - Fall Semester of 2019

Committee: George, Andrea, Isaac, Irene, Lilya, Chunlei

Time: Nov. 18, during 16:30-20:50

Place: Large Auditorium of Høyteknologisenteret

Registration Deadline: November 14th, 2019

Registration Link: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=7457578


CryptoAften - Program

CryptoAften 1 - Program

CryptoAften - Program