Studying brain tumorigenesis and brain metastasis development through high-throughput and high-resolution brain mapping
Research leaders at the Translational Cancer Research group have newly established a research collaboration with the HUST-Suzhou Institute for Brainsmatics, to study the development of brain tumors and brain metastasis.

In 2019, professor Rolf Bjerkvig, professor Frits Thorsen and professor Jian Wang paid a visit to the HUST-Suzhou Institute for Brainsmatics, a "brain-imaging factory" which offers large-scale high-resolution brain-imaging services with a facility of 50 automated machines that can rapidly slice up a whole mouse brain, perform high-resolution imaging of each slice and reconstruct images into a 3D picture.
With the established collaboration, the research leaders at the Translational Cancer Research group aim to achieve a better elucidation of the prosecesses of brain tumor development and eventually treatment responses.