Bergen Research Group for Innovation, Growth, Health and Technology (BRIGHT)


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BRIGHT research seminar 2018

The symposium "Interventions in a lifespan perspective" was hosted by The Faculty of Psychology 02.11.2018, and took place at Lauritz Meltzers hus, Fosswinkelsgt. 6.

Bergen sentrum i sol
Inger Hilde Nordhus



Pre-seminar site visit to the Human Sleep Lab
Christies gt. 12


Opening Research Dean Sandal GM
Introduction Nordhus IH & Flo E
Presentations of participants

10:20-10:55Keynote: How to improve cognitive and brain health in young and older adults:Evidence from large cohort and intervention studies (Nouchi R)
10:55-11:05Break with refreshments
11:05-11:30Effects of bright light intervention for adaptation to night work: Shift work simulation experiments (Sunde E)
11:30-11:55A music-based intervention in early Alzheimer's disease: Strategy and neurophysiological methods to assesss intervention success (Jentschke S)
11:55-12:20Real-time assessment of auditory hallucinations using a smartphone app (Bless J)
13:00-13:25Augmenting treatment for older adults with GAD (Hovland A)
13:25-13:50Bright light therapy, chronobiology & dementia: DEM.LIGHT (Kolberg E); ENLIGHT (Flo E)
13:50Closing remarks
14:20Bus leaves for BB-building / fMRI lab
14:45Post-seminar site visit to the fMRI lab BB-bygget