Report from the CanCode Workshop, June, 2022
In June 2022 the CanCode project hosted the workshop called "Canon or Code? Standardising and Transmitting Islamic Law". Below, you can read more about the workshop and how it is planned to be followed up in 2023.
During 2020 and 2021 we could mainly hold digital events. For out yearly workshop in 2022 we decided to catch up on physical meetings and decided to put much effort into a large "federal" project workshop broken down into four thematic panels. The main goal was to invite existing and new cooperation parters. November 2021 we circulated a call for abstracts.
Most participans were able to come physically only 3-4 were present via Zoom. The actual program, including titles and abstracts can be seen in the calendar announcement here.
Future follow up
At the time being we are planning three follow-up "tracks", based on the first three panels:
- Developing a theme issue on judges agency in producing law. Contact person: Monika Lindbekk.
- Developing a theme issue on the central role of mukhtaṣarāt in the legal schools. Contact person: Eirik Hovden.
- Developing a theme issue on transmission of legal knowledge. Contact person: Christian Mauder.
At the moment, we could not find enough coherence in the translation panel to take that further, but we will come back to that.
There will be smaller workshops on all three topics in 2023 and 2024. Further information on the development of these theme issue will be published here on the web pages in the first quarter of 2023.