Doctoral Thesis at BRL
Completed doctoral degrees with contributions from the Broegelmann Research Laboratory, University of Bergen, 1962 to present
- Olav Tønder Studies on the mechanism of the Waaler-Rose test
- Jacob B. Natvig Studies on the specificities of γG-globulin anti-γ-globulin factors in human sera
- Tor Hofstad Studies on the antigenic structure of the 80/81 complex of Staphylococcus aureus
- Hans-Kristian Krogh Antibodies to stratum corneum in man – with special reference to immune adherence with skin tissue sections
- Johan A Aarli Muscle antibodies in myasthenia gravis
- Bjørn Haneberg Immunoglobulins in feces from infants and children
- Roald Matre Receptors in human tissue for IgG and for the third component of complement
- Gudbrand Fossan IgG-antibodies in the human cerebrospinal fluid. Effect of phenytoin on the antibody respons
- Are Næss Lymphocyte subpopulations in cerebrospinal fluid and blood
- Finn Wesenberg IgG, other proteins and Fc receptors associated with human malignant tissues
- Harald Nyland Immunological markers in human nervous system, with special regard to demyelinating diseases
- Jens Roar Bjerke Immunological and histochemical studies on mononuclear cells in inflammatory skin lesions, with special reference to psoriasis
- Nils Erik Gilhus Effects of anti-epileptic drugs on the human immune system
- Carl W Janssen Immunoglobulins, complement and carcinoembryonic antigen in patients with gastric carcinoma
- Alfred Halstensen Meningococcal disease: clinical and immunological studies
- Anne Christine Johannessen Immunological studies of apical and marginal periodontitis
- Christian A Vedeler Receptors for IgG and for C3b/C4b in human peripheral nerves
- John Karsten Livden Interferons and receptors for IgG in patients with psoriasis
- Åse Mygland Autoantibodies in patients with myasthenia gravis and thymoma: identification and characterization of anti-ryanodine receptor and anti-titin antibodies
- Marie Wahren Autoimmunity to the Ro/SSA and La/SSB antigens in rheumatic disease
- Sissel Torgersen Biocompatibility of fixation devices used in maxillofacial surgery
- Karl A Brokstad Qualitative, quantitative and kinetic aspects of the humoral immune response induced systemically and locally after influenza vaccination
- Elling Ulvestad Immune mediated demyelination in multiple sclerosis: a critical role for microglia
- Kathrine Skarstein Autoimmunity and pathogenesis of murine sialadenitis
- Line Bjørge Complement regulatory proteins in malignancies
- Johan G Brun Calprotectin in inflammatory rheumatic diseases - clinical and experimental studies
- Einar Kristoffersen Human placental Fcγ-binding proteins in the maternofetal transfer of IgG
- Inge Fristad Dental innervation - functions and plasticity following peripheral injury
- Mihaela Cuida Host defence factors in Sjögren's syndrome with special reference to calprotectin
- Knut Hordnes Mucosal immunity to group B streptococci in the female genital tract - prospects for development of a mucosal vaccin
- Vaska Vandevska-Radunovic Neural modulation of inflammatory reactions in rat dental tissues incident to orthodontic tooth movemen
- Ånen Aarli Annexin II - an IgG-binding protein with immunosuppressive properties
- Pia Tengnér Immune responses to the Ro and La autoantigens
- Tone Skeie Jensen Complement regulatory protein and factors with immunomodulatory properties in human reproduction
- Anne Kristine Halse Autoimmunity to Ro/SSA and La/SSB in Sjögren's syndrome
- Maya Tigalonova IgG receptors and cytokines in skin and serum from healthy individuals and patients with psoriasis
- Kanzal EE Elagib Characterization of autoantibodies in primary Sjögren´s syndrome; Analysis of immunoglobulin variable region gene
- Sabai Phyu Mouse models for latent and slowly progressive tuberculosis: host immune responses and importance of compartmentalization
- Anne Ma Dyrhol-Riise Human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) infection and highly active antiretroviral therapy; Virus dynamics and immune reconstitution in blood and tonsillar tissue
- Tehmina Mustafa Murine models of chronic tuberculosis: significance of granuloma morphology, apoptosis and immune evasion
- Lado Lako Loro Apoptosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma
- Janne Ø Bohnhorst B cell sub-populations in healthy donors and patients with primary Sjögren´s syndrome
- Britt Nakken The genetics of Sjögren´s syndrome: Candidate gene analyses and genome-wide linkage studies
- Maria Ohlsson Apoptosis, autoantigens and autoantibodies in Sjögren´s syndrome
- John-Helge Heimdal Monocytes in head and neck carcinoma patients: in vitro studies focusing on monocyte function as a potential part of distant metastasis defence
- Stina Salomonsson The role of Ro52 autoantibodies in congenital heart block
- Torbjørn Nedrebø The effect of tumour necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β on interstitial fluid pressure and microvascular exchange in acute inflammation
- Ketil Moen Oral implications of rheumatoid arthritis – A clinical and immunological approach
- Peter Szodoray The role of B-cells in the pathogenesis of systemic autoimmune diseases – impaired processes involving B-cell activating factor and apoptosis
- Camilla Mittelholzer Influenza virus – protection and adaption
- Malin V Jonsson Ectopic germinal center formation in Sjögren’s syndrome – significance of lymphoid organization
- Mathula Thangarajh B-cell-survival factors in multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravis
- Tor Magne Madland Calprotectin (S100A8/A9) and S100A12 in inflammatory arthritis; clinical and epidemiological studies of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis
- Trond Ove Hjelmervik Gene expression and protein profiling in human and experimental Sjögren’s syndrome
- Pål Voltersvik Human immunodeficiency virus Type I (HIV-1) infection and highly active retroviral therapy
- Delaleu Nicolas The autonomy of different aspects of Sjögren’s syndrome and their treatment in an experimental model
- Kenneth Kross Mononuclear phagocytes in head and neck carcinoma patients. In vitro studies focusing on the clinical relevance of monocyte and macrophage responses in tumor cell interaction
- Jens Christian Eriksson Influenza vaccination with focus on the immunebiology of the upper respiratory tract
- Sergio Carracedo Huroz Expression and regulation of the a 11 integrin subunit – in vitro and in vivo studies
- Petra Vogelsang Dendritic cells in Sjögren’s syndrome
- Ewa A Szyszko Characterization of long-lived plasma cells in primary Sjögren’s syndrome
- Karstein Haldorsen Epidemiological, clinical, and immunogenetic aspects of primary Sjögren’s syndrome
- Tove Ragna Reksten Serologic and phenotypic variances in primary Sjögren’s syndrome: Disease heterogeneity or distinct phenotypes
- Roman Volchenkov Novel approaches for the treatment and diagnosis of primary Sjögren’s syndrome – tolerogenic dendritic cells – potential personalized medicine
- Annelie Hellvard Post-translational modifications and small molecular inhibitors in animal models of arthritis
- Lene Frøyen Sandvik Squamous cell carcinomas in renal transplant recipients. Analyses of various dendritic cell populations
- Florian Sprater The ETS Transcription Factor ESE-3 in Human Dendritic Cells
- Lara Aqrawi B cell specificity and pattern in primary Sjögren’s syndrome
- Svein Joar Auglænd Johnsen Malignant lymphoma in primary Sjögren’s syndrome
- Alexander Sauter Contact-dependent culture dish interactions during in vitro generation of monocyte-derived dendritic cells
- Elisabeth Nginamau Expression and Possible Mechanisms of Autoantigenic Selection of Ro52, Ro60 and La48 in Sjögren’s syndrom
- Catalin Koro Carbamylation as a Modulator of the Immune Response
- Marie Karlsen Toll-like receptors in primary Sjögren’s syndrome - special emphasis on B cells
- Richard Davies Flow cytometry based analyses as a tool in biomarker discovery for patient stratification in primary Sjögren’s syndrom
- Hilde Haugedal Nordal S100 proteins in rheumatoid arthritis
- Ardita Aliko Chronic inflammatory diseases – The role of citrullination and investigation of compounds with therapeutic potential
- Maria K Jonsson Biomarkers in early rheumatoid arthritis
- Daniel S Hammenfors Ultrasonography of major salivary glands in primary and juvenile Sjögren’s syndrome
- Silje Michealsen Solberg Systemic inflammation in psoriasis: Circulating immune cells and cytokines
- Brith Bergam Carbamylation in an uremic and inflammatory environment
- Irene Sarkar Towards stratification of patients with Sjögren’s syndrome. Single cell analyses and immune profiling
- Dag Heiro Yi Monocyte-derived dendritic cells in cancer immunotherapy
- Anders Krogh Aarebrot Single-cell signaling and immune cell profiling in psoriasis
- Magdalena Keindl Interleukin-2 receptor in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications and Sjögren's syndrome