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Completed Projects

This page gives an overview of the completed research projects at SIPA


COMPLETE-project (2016-2019)

Principal investigator: Torill Larsen

The COMPLETE study was a randomized controlled trial funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Education Programme for Increasing completion rates at upper secondary schools. The aim was to facilitate increased completion and less absence in upper secondary school. The COMPLETE study implemented and evaluated two intervention measures directed at promoting the psychosocial learning environment at school: The Dream School Programme and Mental Health Support Teams (MHST). The Dream School Programme is a universal measure encompassing all students at school, and MHST is a school system measure directed specifically at students with challenges at school. Both intervention measures focus on increasing the systematic work to improve the psychosocial learning environment and to improve the contact between staff and students at school. Read the study protocol here and more about the COMPLETE study here.

Evaluation of the Dreamschool model (2016-2018)

Principal investigator: Torill Larsen

The main aim is to evaluate the use of the Dream school model developed by the Organization Adults for children. It is a health promotion and school-wide program for junior high and high school with the goal of promoting students ' mental health and help to create a good psychosocial learning environment. The program is part of the commitment to mental health in schools (PHIS), under the auspices of the Norwegian Directorate for health and Education Directorate. A pilot study in 2011/2012 focused on testing the program's implementation strategies and the various stakeholders ' experience of functionality. The new pilot (2014-2016) a case study (mixed metods) of 3 (4) upper secondary schools look at the effectiveness of the program applying an age-cohort design, as well as an in-depth study of the individual school through interviews with the various stakeholders (students, teachers, principals, peer mentors, and resource group leaders).

PAPA- project (2013-2017)

Principal Investigators: Professor Bente Wold and Professor Oddrun Samdal

PAPA was a European-based project committed to enhancing young peoples’ health and well-being through positive experiences in sport. Seed funding for the project (approximately 3 million Euros) came from a 4-year research grant from the European Commission (FP7 Health). The PAPA project developed, delivered and evaluated a theoretically-grounded and evidence-based coach education programme first piloted in the UK and then rigorously tested in the UK, Norway, Spain, France and Greece. International PAPA-site. 

Positive Psychology

Principal Investigator: Bente Wold

The aim is to establish a Scandinavian website in positive psychology, collect data in this area and develop research studies in positive psychology.

Positive psychology concerns virtues and strengths such as optimism, courage, honesty and wisdom, a meaningful and happy life, and positive processes in institutions such as the family and work life

The project is carried out in collaboration with professor Martin Seligman and his group at the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, and involves translating tests and information from the American website www.authentichappiness.com.

The Norwegian website is expected to be available by the end of 2010. The website will function both as a data collection tool for research and a self help site for people who want to develop their strengths.

KaNo? Rehabiltation of Young Adult Cancer Survivors (2009-2013)

Principal investigator: Torill Larsen and May Aasebø Hauken

The overall purpose of this project was to provide increased understanding and knowledge of Young Adult Cancer Survivors (YACS) after completing cancer treatment. A tailored rehabilitation program for YACS was developed and evaluated using mixed methods with participation and HRQOL as main outcomes. YACS represent a small and understudied group of cancer survivors, with only recent international awareness of their unique survival- and survivorship challenges. These specific challenges are related to their vulnerable period of life and their increased risk for morbidity and physical and psychosocial long-term effects. Recent studies highlight a research gap in survivorship for YACS, especially related to unmet needs, follow-up and rehabilitation interventions that build long-term health, participation and quality of life. The project was in collaboration with Red Cross Haugland Rehabilitation Center and the Norwegian Cancer Society . There is one thesis with three peer review articles available from this project. The rehabilitation program is now made part of the standard services at the rehabilitation center .

Second Step (2004-2006)

Principal Investigator: Ingrid Holsen

We have investigated the outcomes of the universal social competence promotion program Second Step (Steg for Steg ) in a typical ‘real world’ implementation among 1153 5 th, 6 th and 7 th grade students (11 schools) in Norway. Through surveys we followed students and teachers for two years, three measurement occasions. In addition 60 of the 6 th grade students participated in focused group interviews where the aim was to investigate the process they are going through while working with Second Step. While investigating who benefited from the program, we also included students’ reports on socio economic status.