SIAM Geosciences 2023
The conference was held in Bergen from the 19th to the 22nd of June in 2023.
Over four days in June 2023, Bergen was host for the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Mathematical Issues in the Geosciences (SIAM Geosciences), with CSD members as co-chair of the conference and filling roles in both the scientific as well as local organizing committees. The conference was a big success, and with more than 350 participants was likely the biggest mathematical conference organized ever in Bergen.
Among the highlights of the conference were invited lectures from leading international scientists and SIAM award winners. Moreover, with support from CLIMIT and Wintershall DEA, we were able to showcase the FluidFlower experiment – with live subsurface CO2 injection taking place during a Monday evening icebreaker.
The program also included two excursions – both fully booked – to the Northern Lights facility in Øygarden, where participants had the chance to see the onshore development of one of the world’s first commercially viable CO2 storage operations. Keeping with the theme of Geosciences, the conference dinner took place at the Bergen Aquarium, among inhabitants from all of the world’s oceans.