Laboratoriet vårt er utstyrt med toppmoderne fasiliteter for eksperimentell forskning.

Instrumenter tilgjengelig for bestilling (Kjernefasiliteter)
Instrumentene kan bestilles for interne eller eksterne brukere. Kontakt Samih Mohamed-Ahmed eller Odd Johan Lundberg for mer informasjon.
Sted: Instrumentene er lokalisert i 4. etasje hos Institutt for klinisk odontologi i Årstadveien 19.
A. MicroCT equipment: Skyscan 1172
Mikro-CT, eller mikrocomputertomografi, er en høyoppløselig bildeteknikk som gir detaljerte 3D-representasjoner av små objekter eller biologiske prøver i mikroskala. Ved å bruke røntgenstråler tar den flere 2D-bilder fra forskjellige vinkler, som deretter rekonstrueres til en omfattende 3D-modell. En av nøkkelfunksjonene er dens høye oppløsning, som oppnår detaljer ned til noen få mikrometer. Dette gjør visualisering av fine strukturelle elementer mulig.Mikro-CT er en ikke-invasiv metode, noe som betyr at prøver kan analyseres uten å forårsake skade. Dette gjør den ideell for applikasjoner innen biologi, medisin, materialvitenskap og farmasøytiske produkter. I biologiske og medisinske sammenhenger brukes den til å studere beinstrukturer, tannapplikasjoner og bløtvev, mens den i materialvitenskap hjelper til med å analysere indre strukturer som porøsitet og defekter. I tillegg muliggjør den kvantitative målinger av størrelse, volum og tetthet, mineraltetthet, og gir verdifull innsikt i prøvens interne arkitektur. Totalt sett er mikro-CT et kraftig verktøy for forskere som ønsker å utforske de interne egenskapene til små prøver med høy presisjon og detaljer. Vi leverer kjernetjenester for MicroCT:
For internal users at UiB, the price is 400 kr per hour for scanning and 500 kr per hour with assistance for analysis.
For external users, the price is 600 kr per hour for scanning and 700 kr per hour with assistance for analysis. In addtion, there will be 25% VAT (value added tax) in your payment.
B. Inverted Nikon Ti Eclipse TIRF Microscope
Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy combines confocal-like contrast with the sensitivity of widefield microscopy for visualising of near-membrane structures. TIRF microscopy angles the illumination so that instead of passing through the sample, it reflects internally between the objective and the coverslip and then back into the objective. Only the part of the sample that is in close contact with the coverslip is illumination by an effervescent wave generated from the coverslip and extending up to ~150nm into the sample. The result is the ability to visualize membrane bound proteins, receptors, vesicles and the cortical cytoskeleton without the problems of out of focus-light as the rest of the cell is not illuminated. The combination of better sensitivity and limited illumination make this a much better choice for near-membrane imaging that confocal microscopy, especially when dealing with weakly fluorescent or easily bleached samples. The Nikon Eclipse Ti TIRF microscope combines an extremely sensitive Andor EM-CCD camera with laser-based illumination and a motorised TIRF mirror to enable true multi-colour TIRF imaging.
For users the price is 150 kr per hour for imaging and 300 kr per hour with assistance for analysis.
C. Bio-Plex® 200 Systems
The Bioplex 200 system can analyze immunoassays, complex genetic analysis, and enzymatic assays in one format. The reactants, (antibodies, oligonucleotides, substrates, etc.) are attached to unique fluorescent microscopic beads (microspheres). The unique fluorescent emission for a given microsphere enables the Bioplex to identify discrete measurements of multiple microsphere based reactions from a single sample. xMAP technology allows multiplexing of up to 100 unique assays within a single sample, both rapidly and precisely.
The instrument can be ordered for internal and external users, please contact Center leader Kamal Mustafa for more information.
For internal users at UiB, the price is 500 kr per plate for reading and 1000 kr with assistance for analysis.
For external users, the price is 600 kr per plate for reading and 1200 kr per plate with assistance for analysis. (Consumables are not included in the price). In addtion, there will be 25% VAT (value added tax) in your payment.
D. Phenom XL Scanning Electron Microscope
The Phenom XL Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) pushes the boundaries of compact desktop SEM performance. It features the proven ease-of-use and fast time-to-image of any Phenom system.It is equipped with a chamber that allows analysis of large samples up to 100 mm x 100 mm. A proprietary venting/loading mechanism ensures the fastest vent/load cycle in the world, providing the highest throughput.A newly developed compact motorized stage enables the user to scan the full sample area, and yet the Phenom XL is a desktop SEM that needs little space and no extra facilities.
The instrument can be ordered for internal and external users, please contact Center leader Kamal Mustafa for more information.
For users the price is 200 kr per hour and 300 kr per hour with assistance for analysis.
E. Laser microtome TissueSurgeon
The laser microtome TissueSurgeon is a multi-purpose sectioning instrument, which enables precise and contact free cutting of biological samples and a broad range of biomaterials and materials. Based on femto-second laser technology, it can be used for sectioning, structuring or gentle extraction of samples and materials in 2D and 3D for analysis. Fundamental limits of mechanical tissue preparation can be overcome when it comes to cutting of hard tissue, implanted tissue or difficult to cut materials.
The instrument can be ordered for internal and external users, please contact Center leader Kamal Mustafa for more information.
For internal users at UiB, the price is 300 kr per hour and 500 kr per hour with assistance.
For external users, the price is 600 kr per hour and 700 kr per hour with assistance. In addtion, there will be 25% VAT (value added tax) in your payment.
Other equiment
F. Customized perfusion bioreactor system made by Fraunhofer IGB3D-
Bone development is a multistep process that involves the complex interplay of multiple cell types as well as local microenvironments. Bioreactor systems facilitate three-dimensional (3D) cell culture by coping with limitations of static cultivation techniques. To allow for the investigation of proper bone cell development in vitro, a mechanical stimuli plays a pivotal role in influencing cell fate during skeletal development. At physiological conditions, bone cells generally reside in a dynamic loading environment. This perfusion bioreactor system is very flexible to set a different mechanical loading, oxygen condition, shear stress with a regular condition control at either 2D or 3D culturing.
For more information contact Shuntaro Yamada.
G. Bioplotter® System
As 3D printing technology is widely applied in the field of tissue engineering, 3D-Bioplotter system is one of the most advanced product in the market. 3D-Bioplotter® System is a versatile rapid prototyping tool for processing a great variety of biomaterials for computer-aided tissue engineering (CATE), from 3D CAD models and patient CT data to the physical 3D scaffold with a designed and defined outer form and an open inner structure. The 3D-Bioplotter® has the capacity of fabricating scaffolds using the widest range of materials of any singular rapid prototyping machine, from soft hydrogels over polymer melts up to hard ceramics. Complex inner patterns can easily be designed using the 3D-Bioplotter® software to control the mechanical properties, increase cell adhesion, as well as improve the flow of nutrient media throughout the interconnecting pores of the printed implants. More details:
For more information contact Kaia Lindstrøm Berstad and Mehmet Serhat Aydin
H. MTS 858 Mini Bionix II
The MTS 858 Mini Bionix II is capable of performing compression and tension tests, making it versatile for evaluating materials under various loading conditions. This includes assessing the mechanical properties of materials in both compression (pushing forces together) and tension (pulling forces apart) to provide a comprehensive understanding of their behavior under different stress states. This flexibility adds to the instrument's utility in conducting a wide range of mechanical testing applications. In addition to compression and tension tests, the MTS 858 Mini Bionix II is well-suited for cyclic load and fatigue tests. This capability allows researchers and engineers to simulate repeated loading and study how materials and components respond over extended periods, providing crucial insights into fatigue life and durability. The instrument's ability to conduct cyclic and fatigue tests makes it valuable for industries where assessing the long-term performance and reliability of materials is essential.
For detailed procedures and parameters, consulting the instrument's documentation and using the machine please contact Odd Johan Lundberg.
Leader: Mihaela Roxana Cimpan, Professor, Biomaterialer – Department of Clinical Dentistry
Microfluidic platform for real-life exposure to nanomaterials
Microfluidic platform for real-life exposure to nanomaterials
The instrument can be ordered for internal and external users, please contact or for more information.

Zetasizer Nano ZSP (Malvern, UK)

Characterization of proteins and nanoparticles, size and zeta potential measurements. It includes a "Protein Measurement" option for protein mobility measurements.
The system incorporates a two-angle particle and molecular size analyzer for the enhanced detection of aggregates and measurement of small or dilute samples, and samples at very low or high concentrations using dynamic light scattering with ‘NIBS’ optics. The ZSP also incorporates a zeta potential analyzer that uses electrophoretic light scattering for particles, molecules and surfaces, and a molecular weight analyzer using static light scattering.
Light Source He-Ne laser 633nm, Max 10mW
Measurement Mode(s)
Particle and molecule size, Translational diffusion, Electrophoretic mobility, Zeta potential of particles at high and low concentrations, Dynamic and Electrophoretic Light Scattering, Viscosity and viscoelasticity of protein and polymer solutions, Concentration, MW, A2, kD.
- Zeta potential measurement of proteins and nanoparticles
- Size measurement from 0.3nm (diameter) to 10 microns using Non-Invasive Back Scatter technology.
- Zeta potential of surfaces using accessory cell.
- Molecular weight measurement down to 980Da.
- Microrheology option to measure viscosity and viscoelasticity.
- Protein size measurement sensitivity, 0.1mg/mL
- Sample concentrations from 0.1ppm to 40%w/v.
- Built-in protein calculators, including protein charge, A2, kD, and molecular conformation.
- Automation of measurements using an autotitrator option.
- Chromatography detector capability to enable use as a size detector with GPC / SEC or FFF.
- Optical filter option to improve measurements with fluorescent samples.
The instrument can be ordered for internal and external users, please contact or for more information.
Sonicator VCX130, Vibra-Cell, 130W (Sonics & Materials)

Suitable for sonication of agglomerated and aggregated nanoparticles. Includes an energy meter, variable power output control, a 1 second to 10 hour timer plus a programmable pulser to safely process a wide range of organic and inorganic materials from 150 microlitres to 150 millilitres. The standard 6mm probe is suitable for processing volumes from 10 to 50ml. To process volumes smaller than 10ml or larger than 50ml a different probe would be required.
The instrument can be ordered for internal and external users, please contact or for more information.
xCELLigence System

Label-free: Impedance based biosensor technology does not require markers or dyes. Interference-free from Nanomaterials and Nanoparticles perturbation.
Real-time kinetic readouts: Obtains data continuously from seconds to days. Simultaneously monitor up to three plates, without scheduling conflicts. Easy workflow: Plate cells, expose to Nanomaterials and begin monitoring.
Measures cell number, size, morphology, and attachment properties, with the ability to perform kinetic analysis of cell invasion/migration (CIM).
The instrument can be ordered for internal and external users, please contact or for more information.
Ampha Z30: Impedance-based, Label free Flow Cytometer (Amphasys AG, Switzerland)

Oxidation of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) mediated by the action of nanomaterials is monitored by CV. Left, a small foot-print multiplexed potentiostat with 8 disposable 3,4 x 1,0 cm screen printed electrodes. Right, typical voltammograms of vitamin C after mixing with CeO2 nanomaterials. DPPH, a stable free radical, and 300 mM H2O2 were used as positive controls. The magnitude (height) of the current peak at 0.44 V decreased by the addition of the samll size 3.5 nm CeO2, indicating NM-dependent oxidation of AA.
AmphaZ30 (Amphasys AG, Lucerne, Switzerland) is an impedance flow cytometer for high-throughput single-cell characterization without optical components. Single cells pass through a micrometer-sized channel in a chip equipped with microelectrodes. The electrical impedance changes when a cell passes through the applied alternating current (AC) field, permitting cell detection and impedance measurement. The measured impedance is used to assess cellular size, membrane capacitance, and cytoplasm resistance and to differentiate between live and cell cells and modes of cell death.
The instrument can be ordered for internal and external users, please contact or for more information.
Cyclic voltammetry to study nanomaterial-mediated oxidative stress

We use cyclic voltammetry (CV) to study if nanomaterials may cause oxidative stress in biological systems. The total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of a biofluid reflects the amount of antioxidants available to counteract oxidative stress.
The instrument can be ordered for internal and external users, please contact or for more information.
In-house printing of disposable electrodes for cyclic voltammetry
We make use of a PCB printer (Voltera One) to dispense conductive inks on PET films for fabrication of cost-effective and disposable electrodes.

The instrument can be ordered for internal and external users, please contact or for more information.
In addition, the center is connected to core facilities at UiB such as the genomic core facility, proteomics and metabolomics facility, MIC, Laboratory and laboratory animal facility.