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Ellen Synnevåg: Planning for Public Health. Balancing top-down and bottom-up approaches in Norwegian municipalities.


Anne-Siri Fismen: Adolescent eating habits. Trends and socio-economic status.

Margaret L. Søvik: Evaluating the implementation of the Empowering Coaching program in Norway.


Irene Øyeflaten: Long-term sick leave and work rehabilitation- prognostic factors for return to work.

Helga Synnevåg Løvoll: Inside the Outdoor Experience.


May A. Hauken: The cancer treatment was only half the work!” – A mixed-method study of rehabilitation of young adult cancer survivors.

Marit Knapstad: Psychological factors in long-term sickness absence: the role of shame and social support.

Berit Misund Dahl: The meaning of professional identity in public health nursing.



Tore Tjora: Smoking from adolescence through adulthood: the role of family, friends, depression and socioeconomic status. Predictors of smoking from age 13 to 30 in the “The Norwegian Longitudinal Health Behaviour Study” (NLHB).


Ann Kristin Knudsen: Long-term sickness absence and disability pension award as consequences of common mental disorders. Epidemiological studies using a population-based health survey and official ill health registries.

Elin Aasen: From paternalism to patient participation? The older patients undergoing hemodialysis, their next of kin and the nurses: a discursive perspective on perception of patient participation in dialysis units.

Marianne Birkeland: Development of global self-esteem: The transition from adolescence to adulthood.

Øystein Mortensen: The transistion to parenthood – couple relationships put to the test.


Jens Skogen: Foetal and early origins of old age health. Linkage between birth records and the old age cohort of the Hordaland Health Study (HUSK).

Ingrid Leversen: Adolescents’ leisure activity participation and their life satisfaction: The role of demographic characteristics and psychological processes.


Ole Melkevik: Screen-based sedentary behaviors: pastimes for the poor, inactive and overweight?

2010Anne Grete Danielsen: Perceived psychosocial support, students' self-reported academic initiative and perceived life satisfaction

Asle Holthe: Evaluating the implementation of the Norwegian guidelines for healthy school meals: A case study involving three secondary schools

Nina Grieg Viig: Tilrettelegging for læreres deltakelse i helsefremmende arbeid. En kvalitativ og kvantitativ analyse av sammenhengen mellom organisatoriske forhold og læreres deltakelse i utvikling og implementering av Europeisk Nettverk av Helsefremmende Skoler i Norge


Hege Tjomsland: Health promotion with teachers. Evaluations of the Norwegian Network of Health Promotion Schools: Quantiative and qualitative analyses of predisposing, reinforcing and enabling conditions related to teacher participation and program sustainability


Ellen Haug: Multilevel correlates of physical activity in the school setting

Lise Kjønniksen: The association between adolescent experiences of physical activity and leisure-time physical activity in adulthood. A 10-year longitudinal study


Jørn Hetland: The nature of subjective health complaints in adolescence: Dimensionality, stability and psychosocial predictors


Anette Christine Iversen: Social differences in health behavior: the motivational role of perceived control and coping

Nora Wiium: Intrapersonal factors, family and school norms: combined and interactive influence on adolescent smoking behaviour

Torill M. B. Larsen: Evaluating principals' and teachers' implementation of Second Step. A case study of four Norwegian primary school


Torbjørn Torsheim: Student role strain and subjective health complaints: Individual, contextual, and longitudinal perspectives


Ingrid Holsen: Depressed mood from adolescence to "emerging adulthood". Course and longitudinal influences of body image and parent-adolescent relationship


Siren Haugland: School related stress, physical activity, and health complaints in adolescence


Oddrun Samdal: The school environment as a risk or resource for students' health-related behaviours and subjective well-being

Christine Friestad: Social psychological approaches to smoking


Norman Anderssen: Physical activity of young people in a health perspective: Stability, change, and social influences


Frode Thuen: Accident-related behaviour among children and young adolescents: Prediction and prevention


Bente Wold: Lifestyles and physical activity. A theoretical and empirical analysis of socialization among children and adolescents


Leif E. Aarø: Health behaviour and socioeconomic status. A survey among the adult population in Norway