
Om UiB


The University of Bergen (UiB) is an internationally recognised research university. Academic diversity and high quality are fundamental for us. UiB is the most cited university in Norway.

There are seven faculties at UiB and there are close to 20 000 students at the university. We employ more than 4 200 faculty and staff. PhD candidates are paid employees, making the doctoral degree at UiB particularly attractive for rising talent. About half of graduating doctors are from outside Norway.

UiB Strategy
planet earth

UiB strategy 2023–2030

The University of Bergen’s strategy for 2023 – 2030 highlights our values, our strengths and our role in society. It outlines how we will further develop the university in line with these priorities.
Norwegian Centres of Excellence

Norwegian Centres of Excellence (CoE)

UiB is currently home to four National Centres of Excellence. The CoE status is a seal of quality in academic research.

Researcher showing a laboratory sample in a small glass

Research Centres at UiB

Research centres at the University of Bergen carry out basic and interdisciplinary research.