Imagining and experiencing the 'refugee crisis' (IMEX)


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IMEX Workpackages

WP2: Ethnic relations at the local and national level


In this work package we have analysed majority opinions about immigration and integration and local community dynamics by drawing on a combination of quantitative and qualitative data. First, with the help of data from the Norwegian Citizen Panel we have analysed the Norwegian  populations’  opinions on migration to Norway, asylum centers and refugee settlement. Second, we have drawn on qualitative interviews and fieldwork in one urban and two rural local communites in Norway. We have followed up on three of the localities we gathered data on during the pilot in 2016 to shed light on interfaces between the majority populations and newcomers in the wake of the 2015 increase in asylum arrivals. The work package also deals with analyses of dynamics and developments on the national and local level.

Investigators: Hege Høivik Bye, Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, Ingalill Herstad and Susanne Bygnes