Divya Sri Tallapragadas bilde

Divya Sri Tallapragada

  • E-postdivya.tallapragada@uib.no
  • Besøksadresse
    Haukeland universitetssykehus, Laboratoriebygget
    5009 Bergen
  • Postadresse
    Postboks 7804
    5020 Bergen
Vitenskapelig artikkel
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2023). Impaired Adipocyte SLC7A10 Promotes Lipid Storage in Association With Insulin Resistance and Altered BCAA Metabolism. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM). 2217-2229.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2021). Role of the Neutral Amino Acid Transporter Slc7a10 in Adipocyte Lipid Storage, Obesity and Insulin Resistance. Diabetes. 680-695.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2020). A MicroRNA Linking Human Positive Selection and Metabolic Disorders. Cell. 684-701.
Faglig foredrag
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Integrative Genomics Links Homeobox Transcription Factors to Risk of Visceral Adiposity .
Vitenskapelig foredrag
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). A novel amino acid transporter modulating insulin resistance via adipocytes ​.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Inhibition of serine transporter SLC7A10 promotes lipid accumulation through altered BCAA catabolism in adipocytes​.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Generation and validation of immortalized human paired subcutaneous and omental adipocyte models to study obesity.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). Gene marker panel for omental and subcutaneous adipocytes in humans .

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