Lavina Pita Demetry Jubeks bilde

Lavina Pita Demetry Jubek

Forskningstekniker, Facility teachnician at Sars Centre
  • E-postLavina.Jubek@uib.no
  • Besøksadresse
    High Technology Center Florida
  • Postadresse
    Postboks 7800
    5020 Bergen

I am maintaing the animal facility( Animal care personal) of 26 different species of aquatic spiralian organisms at Dr. Hejnol´s Research Group.

Task including culturing of algea,brine shrims,copepods and rotifers for feeding the animals.

Operation and maintanance of salt water supply system.

Periodic field( Tokt og Felt arbeid) for the collection of the animals.

Assisting the scientific staffs in manipulating animals and embyro`s