Aldring i kulturhistorisk perspektiv: Litteratur, medisin, psykologi, juss

Symposium at the University of Warwick

Videos now live on YouTube from the symposium "Living a Good Life in Older Age: Literary, Philosophical, Medical and Psychological Insights" (University of Warwick, July 5-6, 2018).

Copyright: WikiMedia. With homage to Michelangelo Buonarroti; hair color by Lora. Brody; skin tone by Fran Forman; concept by Margaret M. Gullette.


The symposium took place as part of the Historicizing the Ageing Self project, and sought to go beyond the current prescriptive models of 'successful ageing' and 'active ageing', contributing to the development of a more nuanced conception of fulfillment, contentment and wellbeing in older age. Without neglecting the biological and social aspects of late life, it aimed to contribute to a more historically sensitive, critical and values-based model of ageing, considering subjective as well as objective perspectives. To this end, we built on the work done in European and Anglo-American philosophy on self-realization, agency, rights and values. The event thought about coming to terms with loss, illness, and dementia, as well as celebrating the particular creative and emotional resources of later life.

The video podcasts from the event can be seen here.

For inquiries please contact Dr. Liz Barry E.C.Barry@warwick.ac.uk or Margery Vibe Skagen margery.skagen@if.uib.no