The Greenness, Air Pollution and health (GAP) research group is part of a wide international research network.
Our vision is to contribute to a more sustainable society through increased knowledge on how environmental exposures - both good and bad - affect health in different parts of the population.
The research group is part of the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen, Norway.
Our focus is currently on long-term effects of greenness and air pollution exposures, but in the future the work of this group will also encompass a more holistic approach assessing the impacts of a wide range of environmental exposures and lifestyle factors on public health. We aim for our knowledge to be implemented in guidelines and policymaking, with the overarching aim of improving public health within a sustainability framework.
Our focus is international, and our research partners come from all over Europe. The largest ongoing project at the moment is Life-GAP.
Group members:
IGS, UiB: professor Ane Johannessen, professor Magne Bråtveit, professor Cecilie Svanes, associate professor Jorunn Kirkeleit, guest researcher Alessandro Marcon, PhD fellow Shanshan Xu and Robin Mzati Sinsamala. K2, UiB: researcher Randi Jacobsen Bertelsen.
Collaborators in the RHINE study and the Life-GAP project: Christer Jansson and Andrei Malinovschi (Uppsala University), Vivi Schlünssen and Torben Sigsgaard (University of Aarhus) Lars Modig (University of Umeå), Mathias Holm (University of Gothenburg), Thorarinn Gislason and Bryndis Benediktsdottir (University of Reykjavik), Simone Accordini (University of Verona), Joachim Heinrich (Ludwig Maximillians University), Rain Jögi and Hans Orru (University of Tartu), Iana Markevych (Jagellonian University).
Contact: leader of research group Ane Johannessen.