
Quaternary geology and Paleoclimate

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Welcome to the research group in Quaternary Earth Systems!

We work with different geological processes that have occurred during the last millions years. This includes the study of marine sediments, carbonate and sediment deposits in caves, lake sediments and other deposits on the Earth’s surface. Some of this research include process studies, while others are directed towards reconstructing climate change backwards in time and to understand how past climate has varied. The research group has several major projects with focus in, and around, the North Atlantic and the group has also projects in both polar regions, in the Himalayas, and in Russia. We have access to several research vessels, advanced coring equipment for both marine and terrestrial sediments and we have several advanced laboratories, for example Uranium-series laboratory, laboratory for cosmogenic nuclides, and a national infrastructure for sediment analyses, EARTHLAB. The aim of our research and teaching activities is to develop methods and techniques to better understand the geological history mainly during the ice age period (last 2.6 million years) and transfer this to palaeoclimatic reconstructions and increased process understanding.

Foto in the Lyngen Alps field colleagues

Summer School

School/GEOV336 in the Lyngen Alps in Northern Norway

Group photo

International workshop on Greenland ice sheet

Last week, the Department of Earth Science hosted a successful workshop on "Greenland ice sheet stability: lessons from the past". The workshop attracted 70 international participants from various disciplines and institutions. The main goal of the workshop was to foster interdisciplinary...

Portrett av Eystein Jansen

Eystein Jansen elected Vice President of the ERC

Climate scientist Eystein Jansen has been elected Vice President of the European Research Council (ERC). He is the first Norwegian researcher to join the leadership of the elite division for European research.

New Director of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research:
Bilde av Kikki Kleiven

Kikki Kleiven is the new Bjerknes Centre director

Kikki Kleiven follows Tore Furevik as the direcor of Bjernes Centre, and will lead 200 climate researchers the coming four years.