Centre for Cancer Biomarkers
breakfast seminar

"Digital breakfast" on interdisciplinary research activities

CCBIO's collaborators at the Centre for Digital Life Norway present a seminar series focusing on research occurring at the interface between life sciences and that of mathematics, computer science, physics or engineering. Those of you interested in big data and bioinformatics might find this relevant to your research.



"DigitalFrukost" is a interdisciplinary seminar series to improve the interaction and awareness about interdisciplinary research activities between life sciences, mathematics, computer science, physics and engineering. Examples of such research activities could be mathematical or computational modeling of biological systems, application of engineering/control systems theory on biological systems or inspired by biological systems, application of mathematics/statistics/machine learning to analyze big data in health or marine sector; from sensor systems, imaging or omics technologies etc.

The seminar series will be run with a special focus on local activities, but participants from outside the Bergen area are welcome to participate as well.
The meetings will take place at the Computational Biology Unit, Thormøhlensgt 55 - 5th floor "Datablokken" and breakfast is served during the meeting.

Read more about the seminars here.

Date: 1st meeting, December 15th, breakfast meeting at 08.30-09.30.

Place: Computational Biology Unit, Department of Informatics, Thormøhlensgt. 55, 5th floor "Datablokken".

If you wish to attend, registration is required.