Global og utviklingsrelatert forskning

Iraq og IS

Frokostforum med Kjetil Selvik, CMI/UiB, Erlend Paasche, PRIO, og Åse Gilje Østensen (møteleder).

Hands up
James Gordon


The Islamic rebel group IS has declared its own state in Iraq. As the group gains more and more territories Baghdad and Erbil are desperate to fight back. How powerful is the Islamic State? Will it cause the demise of Iraq and destabilize the entire Middle East? What can be done to stabilize the region?

Join us on Thursday to discuss the situation in Iraq.

Senior researcher Kjetil Selvik, (CMI/ UiB) is a political scientist specializing in the Middle East and observer of politics in Syria, Iraq and Iran.

Doctoral Researcher Erlend Paasche (PRIO) is a specialist on Iraqi Kurdistan and finishing his doctoral research on return migration to Iraq from Norway and the UK.

Link to the event on facebook

The discussion will be in English.

Croissants and coffee - all are welcome!