Evolusjonær økologi


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Claireaux, M., T. C. dos Santos Schmidt, E. M. Olsen, A. Slotte, Ø. Varpe, M. Heino, and K. Enberg. 2020. Eight decades of adaptive changes in herring reproductive investment: the joint effect of environment and exploitation. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsaa123Open access

Culina, A., F. Adriaensen, L. D. Bailey, M. D. Burgess, A. Charmantier, E. F. Cole, T. Eeva, ..., A. Mennerat, ... (2020). Connecting the data landscape of long-term ecological studies: The SPI-Birds data hub. Journal of Animal Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13388Open access

Diaz Pauli, B., V. Bartuseviciute, and M. Heino. 2020. Fishing can turn big fish into small fish. Frontiers for Young Minds 8:112. doi: 10.3389/frym.2020.00112Open access

Diaz Pauli, B., E. Edeline, and C. Evangelista. 2020. Ecosystem consequences of multi-trait response to environmental changes in Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes. Conservation Physiology 8:coaa011. doi: 10.1093/conphys/coaa011Open access

Diaz Pauli, B., and K. Lindström. 2020. Trade-off between mate choice speed and decision accuracy under mating competition in female sand gobies. Journal of Ethology. doi: 10.1007/s10164-020-00673-zOpen access

Evangelista, C., B. Diaz Pauli, L. A. Vøllestad, and E. Edeline. 2020. Stoichiometric consequences of size-selective mortality: An experimental test using the Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Science of the Total Environment 724:138193. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138193Open access

Evangelista, C., L. A. Vøllestad, B. Diaz Pauli, and E. Edeline. 2020. Density-dependent consequences of size-selective induced life-history changes to population fitness in medaka (Oryzias latipes). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2019-0406.

Gabagambi, N. P., A. Skorping, M. Chacha, K. J. Kihedu, and A. Mennerat. 2020. Life history shifts in an exploited African fish following invasion by a castrating parasite. Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.6917Open access

Gunawickrama, K. B. S., A. Delaval, T. Johansen, A. K. van der Plas, and A. G. V. Salvanes. 2020. Genetic structure of Sufflogobius bibarbatus in the Benguela upwelling ecosystem using microsatellite markers. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 36:168–182. doi: 10.1111/jai.14002Open access

Lennox, R. J., A. G. V. Salvanes, B. T. Barlaup, E. Stöger, A. Madhun, T. M. Helle, and K. W. Vollset. 2020. Negative impacts of the sea lice prophylactic emamectin benzoate on the survival of hatchery released salmon smolts in rivers. Aquatic Toxicology 224:105519. doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2020.105519.

Liu, X., D. Shaw, T. Bjørndal, and M. Heino. 2020. The day-to-day supply responses of a limited-entry mixed fishery. Marine Resource Economics. doi: 10.1086/711384.

Melle, W., T. Klevjer, K. F. Drinkwater, E. Strand, L. J. Naustvoll, P. H. Wiebe, D. L. Aksnes, et al. 2020. Structure and functioning of four North Atlantic ecosystems – A comparative study. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 180:104838. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2020.104838Open access

Soudijn, F. H., P. D. van Denderen, M. Heino, U. Dieckmann, and A. M. de Roos. 2020. Harvesting forage fish can prevent fishing-induced population collapses of large piscivorous fish. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, in press.

Sun, P., Q. Chen, C. Fu, Y. Xu, R. Sun, J. Li, H. Yu, C. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y. Tian, and M. Heino. 2020. Latitudinal differences in early growth of largehead hairtail (Trichiurus japonicus) in relation to environmental variables. Fisheries Oceanography 29:470-483. doi: 10.1111/fog.12490.

Sun, Z., K. Parvinen, M. Heino, J. A. J. Metz, A. M. De Roos, and U. Dieckmann. 2020. Evolution of reproduction periods in seasonal environments. American Naturalist 196:E88–E109. doi: 10.1086/708274Open access

Wang, H.-Y., S.-F. Shen, Y.-S. Chen, Y.-K. Kiang, and M. Heino. 2020. Life histories determine divergent population trends for fishes under climate warming. Nature Communications 11:4088. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17937-4Open access

Wathne, I., K. Enberg, K. H. Jensen, and M. Heino. 2020. Rapid life-history evolution in Daphnia pulex in response to size-dependent predation. Evolutionary Ecology 34:257–271. doi: 10.1007/s10682-020-10031-7Open access